
Guestbook Wall
Rhonda Brunett (not verified) wrote:
14 years 33 weeks ago

Let me make a few calls...

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Member Since May 23, 2009

About Me

LJ Goes
54 years
New Lenox, IL
About Me
Relationship Status: 
Here For: 
3 kids, 2 nt, ages 5 and 1 and a 3 yo with autism
Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

To help and be helped.

Autism Help / Accomplishments: 

Speaking up to Sharon Begley of Newsweek and Amy Wallace of Wired. Frankly, I wil speak to anyone who will listen...okay--and those who won't

Also mentoring parents in my community.

My Daily Motivations: 

New eyes to see. Please everyday give me new eyes to see, a fresh perspective an open mind and a forgiving and loving heart in the face of ignorance. Let my faith overcome my fear. Let me know that if I am gone before this is healed that my role was meaningful. Let me love my children and family first. Renew my spirit everyday so that I may never stop fighting for justice and recovery with grace and dignity.

To bring to mass distribution a documentary film about our movement and our families by Summer 2012.If you would ilke to participate please contact me via email at
Help Needed: 
Help with biomed--always. SUPPORT! Other folks in our boat, in our area who will not give up! Playmates for my neurotypical kids who also have siblings with autism. So I have others to cry with when my daughter says, "Mom, why doesn't Noah like me? Why won't he talk to me." And someone who can help me find the humor when his baby brother imitates his stims and looks at him for approval as if to say, "look big brother I can do everything you can do!"
Help to Give: 

At this juncture I would be happy to help usher parents who have just received a diagnosis into the world of hope that we call biomedical intervention and behavioral therapy. It has been my experience on this short, but thus far arduous journey, that most folks are so confused because the path to a diagnosis is so very convoluted.