Forget Going Green, Don't Get Any Vaccine!!

I keep getting these emails from people with autism?? In this case Zoey Roberts on Facebook. I am not sure if they are real people or Big Pharma drones?? I have to clear this up. If you don't think vaccinations cause autism, I'm fine with that!! If you think vaccinations are good. Great!! Go get vaccinated twice if you want, I'm fine with that!! If you think autism is genetic, wonderful I'm fine with that too!! I feel that my daughters autism was caused by vaccinations just like the Hannah Polling Case, look it up!! If you do not feel my daughters autism was caused by vaccinations, That's were I agree to disagree with you. That's all I'm saying!! I hope this clears things up?? Probably not, I think this fight will continue till we have the final answer.

Sent via Facebook Mobile Zoey Roberts August 26 at 12:16pm

Hi sandy please stop being so negative towards autism I know it has it's days and nothing is perfect not only do I have aspergers but my nephews have it as well (which is why I believe it's genetic not the vax theory) I am sorry abt any situations with ur children. I have seen the temper tantrums and the runnings away from home etc but if u have seen some positives like for example there wouldn't have been einstien, dan ackroyd, etc we are intellegent ppl even some can't always express that. Peter Tork of the monkees even has aspergers. Everyone is not perfect that what makes us human please learn to work with your children and love them and encourage their gifts they will come around at the childs own time not on the patents time. We need acceptance not elimination would you do the same if your child had downs syndrome? Vaxs are not the enemy, ignorant, spiteful ppl are... Thanks again ur friend Zoey :)

Sent via Facebook Mobile Sandy Waters August 27 at 5:17am
Hi Zoey,

First of all, I love my daughter and I would do anything for her. I am negative towards my daughters man made autism, not your kind. If you can write me this nice articulate email than you are doing fine!! I am happy for you!! I am talking about my daughter's kind of autism. She is unable to talk or write on the internet and is in diapers. Would you honestly trade places with her?? Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire. She was talking and developing, and than it was stolen from her by the vaccines. I am in vaccine court right now. The government has already conceded that vaccines cause autism in the Hannah Poling case. So, do not take it personal when I talk about my daughter's autism. Just the fact that you understand what I am saying makes your autism completely different than what my daughter is going through. What my daughter has should be called Autism/Vaccine Injured. That way we would know that we are not talking about the same thing. I'm not pushing my ideas on anyone!! I am speaking my mind. Last time I checked this WAS America. Right??

Forget going green, don't get any vaccine!! Yeah, I went there!!

Faith, Love & Hope,

just my heartfelt thoughts

After reading the above comments I felt the need to add my own. This is not to sway an opinion or really to lift anyone up...just to provoke thaught. I have two boys that were diagnosed with ASD before two. Ty had his immunizations and has been part of a CDC study since. We believe that the mmr shot caused his autism. He had a clear regression within ten days of his shot. Ben, born three years later, did not recieve any vax and was also diagnosed at 18mos. After being an active member of the autism community, one thing our family has learned is that this journey is unique for all of us. Each child responds to different interventions. Each family has a unique genetic code.We realize that at the end of the day...we, the parents, have to live with the fact that we have done everything we can do to give our boys the tools needed to be the very best they can be. That means special diets, music therapy, no vax, theraputic lisening, ot, pt, floortime therapy...etc. We strive daily to find the right "combination" to unlock their world. I value the information shared by all of your matter where they lead you and encourage you all to keep sharing. Knowledge leads to exploration and that leads to solutions. Thanks again! I am truely blessed to be fighting the fight against autism with you all!


Hello Pot?... This is Kettle

"Vaxs are not the enemy, ignorant, spiteful ppl are..."

Hello Pot?!...

This is Ketttle....

Can I buy a vowel?

I will first state that I am aware my spelling/grammar isn’t the best, Microsoft Word helps. I find it hard to take things seriously when words are “texing-type”. "we are intellegent ppl even some can't always express that"- abt, ppl,u, ur,