1-in-100 American children - and perhaps around 1-in-60 boys
Obama Administration and mainstream media have been rather nonchalant about the startling news. 1-in-100 American children - and perhaps around 1-in-60 boys - have an autism spectrum disorder. I have heard people ask do you believe this? The more important question is does anyone really care!?! If everyone cares so much where is the outrage, where is the anger!?! If 1 in 60 children were being murdered their parents would all be at the steps of the Capital and White House screaming and demanding that something be done immediately!! But, I never hear a word from anyone in the autism community?? But if someone says something about a celebrity everyone in the autism community has a meltdown!! Are we all sheep?? Bhaaa Bhaaa Wake up people your family is next!!
Cord Blood/Adult Stem Cells info
Ok, here is the peer review paper on stem cells for Autism http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/5/1/30#IDABE20Y
Also here are the news videos of my and the Cabrera family, we are the first two family's to do it for our kids and the only ones to get our regular Pediatricians to talk about it on the news!
My passion gets me in trouble at times.
I had a misunderstanding with Teri and ED Arranga, Exec Directors at AutismOne that went back to Dec. 2007. I just spoke with Teri and I see I had things wrong about them and the matter has been cleared up! They are great people and really care about Autism! I am going to do an interview with Teri on AutismOne radio on Dec 15 as well as write an article for The Autism file.
I Still Care -I lost my job because I was no sheep...
I am only looking for some information and ask that others do not attack me. I am noticing a trend in negative post. I understand this life is hard. I do not claim to know what it feels like to have a child far worse than my situation. I am first to admit I have more advantages then some however, it doesn’t make my situation any less painful. I will also commend Sandy on posting such touchy topics that get people talking, good or bad, it gets noticed. I like to stay off the antipathy-wagon and stick to posting the ligherside of things. In hope my stories, if nothing else makes someone laugh or smile. Not saying you’re right or I’m right posting what we want. We just do things in different styles and that’s great to have a combination. You touch on topics I was not aware of nor am I able to give advices due to our states being on two different planets along with your story being far different than mine. (I know this probably doesn’t help much, but I sympathize with all the troubles you are face with each day)
I have not heard of stem cell treatment for autism before. (Keep in mind I only found out he has Autism July 22, 2009) however, have been dealing with it for 10 years now.
What are the treatments Pros and cons?
Sorry, it’s easier to ask a group rather then attempt a Google search and read pages and pages.
If our critics want to call
If our critics want to call our posts “negative” fine, we call it telling the truth!! Life would be so boring if we all thought, dressed and looked alike. Thank goodness we don't!!!
Lets be real here
Teri Arranga where are the lawsuits??? Asking is not doing anything! Most of you so called leaders in Autism are so weak!!! Like you and your husband ED, your husband told me not to go public about cord blood stem cells treating autism back in Dec. 2007. You were scare that the Gov. would come down on you! You told me you admire what I was doing but didn't want to be seen in public with me. WOW, do we really think things are going to change when we have people like you holding back info and not telling families about a new treatment that is changing kids lives??? You all should be replace and put people who really are going to make a difference in families lives today not 30 years from now!!! Since Dec 2007 I have been the only voice in this country for stem cells to treat Autism! Only Sandy waters and her husband and the Age of Autism had the guts to cover my story, even though I was on all the local news stations!!! Where were the rest of the Autism leaders, you left me in the cold! Do you know how many families lives around the world I have change since talking about this new treatment? I could have use your help but like a true leader I went on no matter that I was alone because I was doing the right thing! Shame on you!!! You don't even say the word Autism in your house, WTF!
I will tell you all why people act the way they do and they don't fight that hard for a cure! They believe it was meant to be, its to big of a fight or God wanted. Well here is the truth:
God did not cause our child to have Autism, God did not cause cancer in my wife or anyone else!!! I will let you in on who did, are you ready, MANKIND did. By dirting the water, air and food just for greed. God is here to help. He gave us a brain to fix it all, it is not to late! God helps those who help themselves. Most think the road is too hard so they look up to God and throw their hands up and say it must have been meant to be. It is just not true!!! God never said life was going to be easy, but he wants the best for you. He is not looking down with a magnified glasses trying to punish you at every turn. God wants your child to recover, he wants good things for you, and doesn't want you to put your head in the sand!!! Autism is not caused by God, Cancer is not cause by God, even Aids is not caused by God, but by MAN. God gave us mHBOT/HBOT, Cord Blood/Adult Stem Cells, CES, Silver, Gold, Magnets and many more things so we can recover them. Don't lose faith, keep persisting forward, victory comes to those who believe in it the most!!!
Get the facts
It always saddens me to read criticism of anyone by a person who does not have all the facts. So I must respond to this bloggers remarks about Teri and Ed (even though I myself do not know all the facts in the cited case). You obviously have no idea of the dedication of those two and the extent they devote their entire lives to our cause. I recall a favorite saying of my grandfather: "Only fools and small children criticize an action without all the facts." Seems to me that has some relevance here.
Regarding your comment about them "holding back" you are obviously judging their entire philosophy on a particular action of nearly two years ago. Ed's action at the time was based on his best judgement for the moment. You don't seem to realize that we are operating in a highly political environment and there are indeed times to back down. Perhaps his decision was the right one for AutismOne at that moment in time or perhaps he simply made the wrong decision. But please don't jump on your pulpit condemning Ed and Teri and most of the rest of the autism community because of your perceived rejection. Try being a little more objective and researching the positive actions they have taken through AutismOne.
I admire your dedication to promoting your beliefs regarding stem cell treatment for autism. But please maintain a positive attitude. The derogatory way in which you present your criticism contributes to polarization within our community, something we can ill afford. Certainly criticize when appropriate but show some dignity. We are all in the same large boat regarding autism.
You don't know the whole
You don't know the whole story so you should shut up! The only fool is you!!! I am not in the same boat as you and never will be!!! I don't care how you or anyone sees me, I am not here to win a popularity contest like you and your friends!!! I am here to show a cure and I will do it anyway I see fit!!!
I totally agree God has
I totally agree God has nothing to do with causing autism in our children!! I think he is just as pissed as I am for destroying his children!!
Presenting info
Daniel, I'm so glad this is helping your child. You shared information on Autism One Radio, correct? Autism One is a pretty progressive and eclectic conference insofar as the information that presenters share. Dr. Steenblock was indeed invited to present about stem cells and got stuck on the tarmac in L.A. due to bad weather for air travel. In addition to presenting progressive information, we also have a responsibility to work in ways that will not have doors shut prematurely for children or families.
Lets be honest here
I did share my story last year on AutismOne with Sandy Waters not because you and your husband and in fact the phone call we had is you did not want put my story on. Most of that interview was on HBOT and small part Sandy and her husband part they sneak on about the stem cells. It is not just helping my son recovering from Autism but so many more!!!
I tell you what, I am going to do our 4th and maybe last stem cell treatment for my son in 6 weeks. You should cover the story and talk to the Drs who did the peer review paper! I also have a book coming out in 2 weeks called Out Of The Darkness: The Faiella Family's Journey To Recover Their Autistic Son! Dr Mary Megson, Dr Dan Rossignol, Donna Gates from Body Ecology diet and J.B. Handley all did interviews for my book!
they didn't sneak the whole show on, correct? Anyway, enough of cherry-picking the original conversation and what that was all about...call me by phone about the second part of your comment.
We try to be fair and
We try to be fair and balanced!! Hmmm Where have I heard that line before? lol
I can put the pass behind us
And work with you! Email me your # and I will call you July776@aol.com or DanFaiella@Gmail.com
Please let me know what
Please let me know what response you receive from President Obama on your request about the hepatitis B vaccine. I would love to hear his reply!! But, I wouldn't hold my breath until you do hear from him if I was you!!
Just not true!
Talking about cord blood stem cells that already treats 73-80 diseases/disorders in this country, would not shut any doors for our kids but open so much more! Dr. Steenblock is not a Dr I would want to talk about this!!! I would want the company/Drs who did the peer review paper on it. They are in San Diego, Cali and company name is Medistem!
"Damn Interesting"
"Damn Interesting"
The autism community IS alarmed at the 1:91 & 1:58 figures
RE: "I never hear a word from anyone in the autism community??"
This is not the case. For example:
1. The Autism Research Institute called for an immediate federal response to the new autism figures released by NSCH.
2. SafeMinds called for a ban on thimerosal from seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccines in pregnant women and young children following the release of the prevalence data.
3. Advocacy groups (National Vaccine Information Center, Talk About Curing Autism, Unlocking Autism, Autism Action Network, National Autism Association, Generation Rescue, Autism One, Autism Link, SafeMinds, Applied Kinesiology Center of Los Angeles) asked President Obama to order immediate suspension of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation of the birth dose of the hepatitis B vaccine after two recent studies linking the hepatitis B vaccine to functional brain damage in U.S. male newborns and infant primates. This was concurrent with the United States Department of Health and Human Services, including the Health Resources and Services Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, announcement that 1 in every 91 children are now diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder as reported in the November 2009 issue of Pediatrics.
Nobody is listening to that!!
Nobody is listening to that!! It's time to act and stop asking for things
The autism community IS indeed alarmed at 1:91 & 1:58 figures
That was not the point in the original post. The original post said:
"I never hear a word from anyone in the autism community??"
Still, this is not the case, which was illustrated in the comment.
The movement has come forward from years gone by. The tide is turning. Advocates and advocacy organizations have worked hard against many odds. There has been some progress in the media. Public opinion is turning with more Americans asking questions that will help prevent their children from ending up with an autism diagnosis. We will press on in the areas of prevention and healing towards recovery.
I said where is the outrage,
I said where is the outrage, where is the anger!?! Has any of what we asked for been done?? What response did you get?? Did you hear from Prez O? I said we should go to the steps of the Capital and White House and start screaming and demanding that something be done immediately!! I think that is whats needed now!!