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Ongoing Research

EPIGENETICS? Can A New Science Finally Prove Autism's Causes?

Standing on a soap box and calling out, "It's Thimerosal, it's Vaccines, it's Pesticides, it's Mercury from coal burning power plants," without the "Evidence of Harm" to back up such accusations only causes our cries to fall on deaf ears and discredits our point. Especially when the Parma companies, politicians and industry leaders lay back on their laurels and say "There is no conclusive evidence."
But all that is about to change.

Needed – Parents of children with autism for a short survey

If you are the parent of a child with autism, only you know the daily reality of this disorder. Your participation in a short survey will help physicians and therapists understand how families cope with autism. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete and is completely confidential. Your contribution gives your child and family a voice which must be heard.

Please click on the link below or copy and paste the address into your internet browser to take you to the survey.

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