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Power Point Presentation By: Dr. Amy Yasko she believes that autism is a multifactorial condition. Predisposing genetics along with infectious disease burden the body (virus/bacteria) and combined with environmental toxins (mercury, aluminum, lead) play a role in the development and the severity of autism. When these infectious microbes are addressed, Dr. Yasko is able to demonstrate the excretion of large amounts of toxic metals.


Power Point Presentation By: Allan Sosin, MD.

Masking was developed by the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, 50 years ago, for the treatment of brain injury. It involves the inspiration of previously expired carbon dioxide from a mask held over the face. Carbon dioxide dilates the cerebral arteries and increases brain blood flow. It also drives respiration in a faster and deeper pattern. Masking has proved effective in reducing and preventing seizures. It allows children to eliminate or lessen the need for anticonvulsant medications. Dr.


Power Point Presentation By: Norm Schwartz, MD

There is accumulating evidence that links autism spectrum disorders to environmental toxins as well as the limitations in eliminating environmental toxins. Environmental exposures appear to be the most likely cause for the increase in autism spectrum disorders. In this presentation we will review the scope of the problem and identify what can be done, including minimizing exposures, supporting detoxification pathways, medical treatments, and preparing for pregnancy.


Power Point Presentation By: Tapan Audhya, PhD

Evidence of both clinical and subclinical seizures has been reported in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Approximately 20-30% of autistic children have a seizures disorder. Of course, this estimate does not include children who initiate seizures when proved by frustration, fear, sudden shock, high fever, anger, or exposed to high pressure oxygen chamber.


Power Point Presentation By: Dr. Rossignol

Dr. Rossignol will discuss advanced treatments for autism, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), IV therapeutics (including chelation and glutathione/NAC), anti-inflammatory medications, IVIG, high-dose antioxidant therapy, and advanced laboratory testing. He will also review approaches and strategies for children who are slow to respond to treatment or are non-responders, including the management of subclinical seizures, the glutamate/GABA brain ratio, brain autoimmunity findings, and chronic GI Clostridia.


Power Point Presentation, Joy Hirsch, Directora.
Para comprender la resonancia magnetica, tenemos que aprender algo del atom. La “MRI” esta baseado en el giro rapido de protones:


Power Point Presentation By: Alice Shabecoff

This discusses the first cumulative analysis of the scale of chrnoic chilhood illnesses in the US, as well as the first round-up of the scientific evidence linking these illnesses to the explosion of toxins in our everyday lives. The presentation also explains why the general public as well as the public health field remains underinvolved in of this epidemic. The presentation will focus on neurodevelopmental illnesses, while also covering cancer, birth defects and asthma


Power Point Presentation by: Dr. Joy Hirsch, Director

The discovery of language-specific areas and their connections in the brains of children with low-functioning autism.
FMRI-based emerging theories leading to practical applications and treatments for restoring language.


Power Point Presentation By: Terrie Silverman, MS & Sally Brockett, MS.

Berard practitioners around the world are finding remarkable results with the sensory based, noninvasive Berard Auditory Integration Training. How do you know what auditory program to choose for your son or daughter or to recommend to your clients? How do you decide what to spend your money on when there are so many different auditory therapies available? An important part of the decision should be based on documented results and considerations in regard to time/cost effectiveness.


Power Point Presentation By: Stephen Shore.

With today's greater awareness, research, and interventions, ever-increasing numbers of people with autism are entering higher education. Many of the common challenges encountered by college students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school and home into a college environment will be explored. Topics covered include what these young adults experience in the paradigm shift from being advocated for in public school to having to advocate for oneself in college.