CME Program for Medical Professionals

Online registration for the dinner is now closed.

Please note that this session is open to doctors and nurses in the healthcare professions.

Thursday, May 24, 2012
8 am - 6 pm

This Live activity, AutismOne CME Program for Professionals, with a beginning date of May 24, 2012, has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 9 Prescribed credit(s) by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. AMA/AAFP Equivalency: AAFP Prescribed credit is accepted by the American Medical Association as equivalent to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award. When applying for the AMA PRA, Prescribed credit earned must be reported as Prescribed, not as Category 1.

Overview of Program

This program will provide information for professional medical practitioners concerning the variety of pathophysiological processes frequently encountered in children with Autistic Disorder.  Topics covered will include evidence-based data regarding metabolic, gastrointestinal, immunological, and neurological dysfunction within subpopulations of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).  Subtopics that will be covered will include  intestinal inflammation, methylation, transulfuration, oxidative stress, immune dysregulation, mitochondrial disorder, seizure disorder, and detoxification impairment.  Case histories will be presented that demonstrate the synergy among a number of comorbid disease states present in autism, and which suggest the benefit of a comprehensive approach to treatment.  The program will familiarize practitioners with developing a comprehensive approach in the medical evaluation of ASDs, utilizing the principles of personalized care.

Program Objectives
The professional will:

  • Become familiar with the variety of the pathophysiological processes often present in Autistic Disorder
  • Understand conditions comorbid with ASD
  • Understand when appropriate subspecialty referral is indicated          
  • Understand their role as coordinator of care among the various subspecialties involved
  • Be able to more effectively help patients with an ASD with therapies targeting identifiable comorbid pathological processes



8:00-9:00 Dr. Martha Herbert
9:00-10:00 Dr. Richard Deth
10:00-11:00 Dr. Jeff Bradstreet
11:00-12:00 Dr. Arthur Krigsman
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00-2:00 Dr. Richard Deth
2:00-3:00 Dr. Richard Frye
3:00-4:00 Dr. Kyle Van Dyke
4:00-5:00 Dr. Jeff Bradstreet
5:00-6:00 Q&A


Registration Fee (if CME credits are desired):  $250

However, it is likely that you will be able to reserve at the
hotel’s conference registration desk.