Homeopathy And Help


Many people like homeopathy. But this is not medical advice, simply a blog to let readers know what other people like at over-the-counter grocery places such as Sprouts or Whole Foods. These items below are some common things that some people like to have in the house “just in case.” But when not feeling well, remember to consult with a physician.
  • Arnica pellets or cream
  • Apis mellifica 
  • Arsenicum album
  • Calendula pellets or cream 
  • Oscillococcinum 

For more information, these people who are experts in homeopathy spoke at AutismOne for many years:  https://homeopathyhouston.com/.

Here is a previous article:
Homeopathy Method and Autism Recovery(pdf)

Also check out “Sequential Homeopathy: The Drug Free Option For Autism and PANS/PANDAS” presented by Cindy L. Griffin, DIHom., DSH-P, B.M.E. at 2022 AutismOne Conference.
Just a reminder about the previous blog, remember to replace toothbrushes every 3 months (according to the ADA)!