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Unplugged H1N1 Vaccine Dangers

This video discusses the benefits and concerns of the H1N1 vaccine through an illuminating discussion between Dr.

The Verbal Behavior Approach Part II ...

Drawing on her experience as both a parent of a son with autism as well as a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA), Mary Lynch Barbera will provide participants with information to help children with autism learn language and other important skills.

U.S. Senator Tom Harkin: Hearing on ...

On August 5, 2009 Senator Tom Harkin Democrat, Iowa held a hearing on Autism Research, Treatments and Interventions with the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education.

The following statements from Senator Harking help summarize the hearing.

Using evidence-based medicine to ...

Dr. Rossignol will review over 20 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies on effective biomedical treatments (including nutritional supplementation) in both autism and ADHD.

Concern About H1N1 Vaccine

The new H1N1 vaccine is being rushed to market with little time for appropriate testing.

What to do when a child will not ...

Pediatric feeding disorders are characterized by a child's inability to take in the appropriate amount of food and liquid necessary to maintain growth.