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Nutritional Treatment Studies for ...

This presentation will focus on new results of a major vitamin/mineral treatment study for children with autism.

The connection between birth defects ...

Over the 30 years I have been working on birth defect research, the definition of a birth defect has expanded from structural (missing pieces and parts) to faulty development of the systems that run the body (immune, endocrine, neurological).

Considerations for Prevention of ...

The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders has increased at least 1500% in the last 20 years.

Vaccine Law in Emergency Context by ...

Learn about your legal rights as parents when it comes to vaccinations.

A Parent Survival Guide to ...

Modern psychiatry would like us to believe that autism is a "behavioral" disease.

Sanando Autismo atravez de ...

Esta presentacion, impartido en Espanol, compartira consejos sobre la aplicacion del Protocolo DAN!