
Guestbook Wall
Gemini wrote:
14 years 49 weeks ago

Dear favour,

I would be happy to correspond with you. But, at this initial stage, I will do so only within Autism One's website. I assumed that by clicking on the clickable 'favour40' name I would be able to write you a private message using this website. But, the page I got said simply 'Access Denied'. I have very limited time online, most of which I must use for research, so I may not have time to figure out how, or if, I can correspond with you through this site in any way other than with this current page.

Will wrote:
15 years 9 weeks ago

Hi Daniel
Let me extend to you my personal welcome to our AutismOne Social Network. AutismOne is now the “one-stop-shopping center” for information about autism. We have the annual conference in Chicago, AutismOne radio, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy and now the AutismOne Social Network (and more to come).
I notice that you’ve not made any entries into your profile. Remember, this is a social network. Part of the function of a social network is to meet and interact with others who have common interests. Of course autism is a common interest. But there is more than that. Individuals like to know about a person before becoming a “friend.” That’s where the profile comes in. So whenever you can find the time, please fill in some of the entries of your profile. To do that just click on “My User Menu” next to the Welcome area on the right. From the resulting menu click on “Edit My Profile” and you will be in business.
Helping you interact with others is one of the many things we can do for you. Now here’s something you can do for us. Every new community requires a good hard kick start to get going. We need you to help us with that. Log in on a regular basis and read the blogs and articles then write a blog yourself. It can be on any subject of interest to you, preferably with some relevance to autism but not necessarily. It can be short or long, whatever it takes for you to express your thoughts. If you have a question then ask it in a blog--people read then they respond. If you see something with which you agree or disagree then please add a comment with your thoughts. This is an open community designed to help and support. We like to hear all sides.
I am looking forward to reading your opinions in future blogs and/or articles.
With my best regards
Will Price, CFO

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Member Since August 18, 2009

About Me

Daniel Pech
57 years
c/o Trinity Lutheran Church, 507 W. Powell Blvd., Gresham OREGON, USA, 97030
About Me
Relationship Status: 
Here For: 
Adamic-Noahic-Judeo-Christian, non-Greek, non-moderno-centric, semi-luddite
None (Singularity)
A Little About Me: 

Former FED Chairman Alan Greenspan has now had to admit that, though necessary to a good society, a free market is not sufficient to create or maintain a good society. While Karl Marx's Communism rejects a free market as criminal, Ayn Rand's Objectivism raises it to the level of the sacred. Both are wrong. Both are incomplete. Both fail to see the central- and-constant purpose of human life as such.

In the book of Genesis, the story of human origins shows a three-faceted purpose, or motive, for human life. The first facet is socio-sexual companionship---otherwise called the family---which is the single most basic human social unit, or core of any wider society. Without the family, there can be no wider society, because all other social relationships literally are born of the family. The family is a reflection of God's own wish to have a personal---and continuous, and intimate---relationship with us.

The second facet of human life is physical nourishment. This is a reflection of our need for spiritual nourishment (man shall not live by physical nourishment alone, but by every word of God, Luke 4:4), and is set in the context of family and fellowship.

The third facet of life is to multiply the family. "Be fruitful and multiply' does not mean simply making babies. Nor does it mean just raising children to nominal adulthood. It means to maintain the socio-cultural continuity of a good society, specifically by way of reproducing the basic human social unit. In short, a good society, or at least a good Christianity, seeks the betterment of every human life in terms of the purpose of human life.

Like God Himself, the real glory of any Earthly king is not in his personal wealth and power, nor in his cities and its palaces, nor even in the immediate wealth and worldy wisdom of his people. Rather, the true glory of a king is in the blessedness of his people, in their true wisdom and true prosperity, and in their physical, spiritual, and social wealth. There is a very righteous reason why the twin towers of the World Trade Center fell, and all the people in it perished: the holy angels whose job it was to protect those towers found far more worthy uses for their labors. God will be glorified. And, no clever thoughts of fallen humans, whether coming from a free people, or from a people like that of the caste system in India, shall ever share in that glory.

The blind bloodhound of a self-intoxicated secularism, and the 'Christian charity' which it has infected, is incapable of ever admitting the possibility that the raccoon which it has howlingly cornered up a tree by scent trail has in fact leapt through the forest canopy and come down to sit mockingly behind him just inside the clearing.

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

Need help in life. Currently homeless, and without any real connections.

Autism Help / Accomplishments: 

What means this?

I personally hate the word. I'm ME. I'm thus far unable easily to relate to a good use of the word. But, I'm certain it is used quite well for/by many people. Just not for me, and I reactionarily detest it's use in reference to me because I feel misunderstood by it since it has ever been used for me by those who maddeningly and endlessly misunderstood me. I'm not a superman. I me. I'm intense in many ways inside myself, and expressively, but I'm non-competitive. I just don't get competition, whether in life, sports, or anything else. To me, the word 'goals' sounds competitively confrontational, or at least formal. As of this writing, it's 2:22 PM, August, 25th, 2009
Help Needed: 
A place to myself, with a bathroom to myself. Food. Need help in life generally. Homeless, and without any real connections worth a damn (people talk nice, but they do nothing to relieve my continual distress for ANY place to wash up, sleep, relieve my bowels, and keep my belongings, without completing with other sentient life forms for the priviledge. Cannot cope with 'homeless shelters' 'homeless camps', etc, where there are far too few bathrooms, and so many people, so that I'm simply, immediately, and irremedially overwhelmed such that I'm unable even to begin to manage my needs as a differentiated person and with bowels of my own. Need proper diet and suppliments, both of which are expensive. Severe-and-atypical IBS/Chrones, allergic to almost all foods.
Help to Give: 


Wandering homeless, being crushed, paralyzed, horrified, and terrified by human presence.
Books / Magazines: 
John Caldwell Holt, all nine books, from 'How Children Fail' to 'Always Learning' Home Education magazine Bible Ivan T. Sanderson's 'Animal Treasure' zoological adventure books Kon Tiki, by Thor Heyerdahl (up to the point when Heyerdahl and his team get rescued. I do not like the ending scene of goodbye.)
'As I Sleep', by Richard Eliot; 'Jupiter', by Gustav Holtz; 'Bridge Over Troubled Water', Richard Eliot rendition; 'Kilimanjaro', by The Rippingtons; 'Storms In Africa/After The Storm', by Enya, performed by Taliesin Orchestra
TV Shows: 
Man Vs. Wild (Bear Grylls); Survivorman (Les Stroud); Myth Busters (Discovery channel); M.A.S.H; N.C.I.S.; CSPAN; 'The Latest' with Ron Nasso, from NC12 (Public Access station, Clackamas County, Oregon)
Godzilla, with Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno; Harry Potter; Little Nikita (Sidney Poitier and River Phoenix)
Inspirational Spots: 
Any clean residence, or motel room (with own bathroom) where no one else is, ever. Anywhere else that is functionally equivalent. Currently have no such spots.