Ed Arranga

Guestbook Wall
mcq123 wrote:
11 years 36 weeks ago

I have been waiting a long time for Autism One to correct the link to Dr. Bradstreet's presentation on Stem Cells. Please have someone take a look at the presentation titled
"Are Stem Cells the Future of Autism Biomedical Therapies?" because when you click on it you get the wrong presentation. Thank you.

maryhe wrote:
12 years 18 weeks ago

Wanting to access the full MMS presentation - how do I do this - do I need to pay for it or donate - how does this work - I can listen to the first 18 minutes but it doesn't show how to go on to hear the rest of the one hour talk - love the Live Streaming -
thanks Mary Henderson - New Zealand

cepivon wrote:
13 years 25 weeks ago

Do we pay for the "fees" the day of the conference? How much are the fees for the materials?? Thanks.

mountain wrote:
13 years 50 weeks ago

How come it keeps saying "Bad response submission" and blocking me?

Brian_TKP wrote:
14 years 15 weeks ago

Dear Ed:

My name is Brian K Dery. I am a filmmaker in Tampa, Florida that founded Triple Knot Productions, a not for profit video production company that specializes in the production of educational, inspirational and motivational documentaries about persons living with disabilities.

Since 2005, our first five films had only focused on physical disabilities. Over a year ago, we had started planning for what would become our latest film, "Walking In The Dark: Finding The Light In Autism".

During my research, I had encountered many examples of where parents where given a diagnosis, no directions, false information, no sense of hope. To me, that was very sad as well as very disturbing.

I felt it was my duty as a motivating filmmaker to help the new parents, ease them back and help restore the hope.

"Walking In The Dark" was released and premiered on June 5th. It is currently being distributed by Penn State.

I am writing to you to seek further help in getting the film out to the many parents who are lost, who are desperately seeking answers.

The film educates viewers on autism, local, state or federal resources, educational and recreational resources, support groups and most importantly some of the therapies that have been working for children.

I urge you to take a couple of minutes and watch the preview on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or call me at, 813-283-8657.


I thank you for your time and look forward to your response.

Best Wishes,

Brian K Dery
Triple Knot Productions, Inc

"Films That Motivate and Inspire"

CarolShikany wrote:
14 years 19 weeks ago

I am Carol Shikany. My 19-year-old daughter, Tanya, has autism. I have 2 ENORMOUS REASONS for attending the AutismOne Conference that may be of high interested to you:
1st, I am inviting you to consider being part of the WHOLE HEARTED THRIVAL CENTER FOR AUTISM=A place to help Adults with autism THRIVE IN THEIR LIFE FOR A LIFETIME. I am attending the conference to connect with others who are like-minded and want to join their expertise with the center/centers. The plan is to have several of these centers around the country. We want it to be an amazing (physical) hub, focusing primarily on young adults who have autism; helping them to thrive in the community and in Life. We are now in the process of gathering the needs, wants and desires of the young autistic adult; creating these fabulous centers primarily for them and secondary for their families and caregivers. The WHOLE HEARTED thrival center strives to be a loving center to excel in meeting their needs, wants, and desires in the most beneficial,, successful and harmonious way. I am open to many areas of needs and desires that the autistic adult would like to have in their center. Below is the list of the possibilities we are developing and I am hoping the conference will add and help it come to fruition in the most amazing ways:

• Community housing/ a place to productively live together for autistic adults
• Franchisable facility prototypes around country
• Equine therapy and stables
• Labyrinth, meditation and reading library area
• Group home center outside and within the centers
• Franchised entities connected to each
• Sibling counseling/family outings
• Recreational facility connected to each for families (bowling, Ping-Pong, pool tables, movies, gardening)
• "Thrivers" thrift store COOPERATIVE to work and create art
• Music area, instruments singing and dancing, stage for plays
• Docu-drama movie on autism/produce/direct/distribute
• Their own Website of wants and wishes/with their own webinar productions
• Kiosks of specialist and other specialties
• Computer learning lab
• Cooking and nutrition
• Dynamic Website about center
• Dynamic Website for the autistic person as primary audience to use for their own needs
2nd Enormous reason for attending the Conference is sharing the great success that MaxGXL supplement is giving my 19-year-old autistic daughter, Tanya, on a daily basis. I am taking it as well. The benefits have been super for both of us! I encourage you to listen to a recent recording of a tele-seminar regarding this supplement as discussed by Dr. Allen.
Log on to: http://budurl.com/BrainBreakthrough Dr. Allen explains the benefits of glutathione with autism spectrum disorders, Aspergers syndrome and other brain disorders. Dr. Allen is an international researcher and practitioner in natural health and nutrition and has been in practice for more than 30 years. After receiving her doctorate in nutrition, Dr. Allen further trained in neurokinesiology and brain-stimulation techniques. She is recognized for her practical approach to health regarding natural and alternative methods of stimulating permanent changes in the brain as a result of dyslexia, ADD, autism, Aspergers syndrome, learning disabilities, academic and behavioral issues, and brain injuries.
From the Heart, Carol Shikany 612-804-4037 imagine@artinheaven.biz For more information on Max please visit my website is: www.expand-health-wealth.max4u.com

Ed Arranga wrote:
14 years 19 weeks ago

We're delighted you're here.

Best, Ed

Chris Mom wrote:
14 years 19 weeks ago

Thanks so much for the welcome.

Ed Arranga wrote:
14 years 23 weeks ago

I think we're all squared away, Debbie.

mydebbers wrote:
14 years 23 weeks ago

Hey does anyone know if there is babysitting during the dinner on Saturday of the events?

My Family and Friends

No family members added yet.

Member Since May 8, 2009

About Me

Ed Arranga
Fullerton, CA
About Me
Relationship Status: 
Here For: 
Jarad and Ian
A Little About Me: 

Co-founder and executive director of AutismOne.

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

To learn more.

What I am Here For: 
To keep in closer touch and share ideas with the autism community.
Autism Help / Accomplishments: 

Helping my sons.

Help to Give: 

A diagnosis of autism is not a prognosis of lifelong and forever. Our children get better, many recover given the proper treatments and therapies.

Books / Magazines: 
Divided Legacy - Vols. 1 - 4. Philosophy and the Real world. The Great Chain of Being. Green for Life. The River.
“A workman is known by his tools.” - Proverbs
Personal Heroes: 
The moms.