David Snyder

Guestbook Wall
Ed Arranga wrote:
13 years 47 weeks ago

Let me extend to you my personal welcome to our AutismOne Social Network. AutismOne is now the “one-stop-shopping center” for information about autism. We have the annual conference in Chicago, AutismOne radio, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, the AutismOne Social Network and the AutismOne Store.


We urge you to log in on a regular basis and read the blogs and articles. If you see something with which you agree or disagree then please add a comment with your thoughts. This is an open community designed to help and support. We like to hear all sides.


Then write a blog, long or short, to express your thoughts or ask a question. I am looking forward to reading your opinions.


With my best regards,
Ed Arranga Executive Director AutismOne.org

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Member Since November 12, 2010

About Me

David Snyder
West Central New Hampshire
About Me
Relationship Status: 
Here For: 
West Central NH
Zodiac Sign: 
A Little About Me: 

Born October 4 1952 and raised in rural Connecticut, I worked for most of my life as a Tool and Die Maker until shortly after the birth of my only child Wyatt on September 1 2005. When Wyatt received a round of multiple vaccinations and suddenly went from being perfectly healthy, to being very sick and Autistic, the course of my life changed forever. My former passions of flying airplanes, photography, and fishing have all been replaced with the burning mission to restore my son to total health. With Wyatt now very near to achieving this ultimate goal, I now devote my life to fighting what I call “Toxin Induced Autism” and teaching others that it is possible to regain total health as well. I am currently writing a book titled Wyatt’s Way Home – The Road Map Through Autism, which details what my wife Jodie and I have learned over the course of Wyatt’s remarkable journey home from Autism. I have also built a website of the same title at www.wyattswayhome.org that details Wyatt’s story and restoration to health, and also contains a growing amount of information that I hope will be useful to all.

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

I recently had my first contact with the Autism One Community through the privilege of being a guest on Teri's radio show to share Wyatt's story. Since then I have been amazed to learn of the incredible depth and scope of what is being done here to help kids with Autism, and I am thrilled to now be a part of it. I am deeply honored to have been invited by Teri and Ed Arranga to add my bit to the fight by writing blogs and articles for Autism One.

What I am Here For: 
I am here to do everything I can, for the rest of my life, to help end the needless suffering of our innocent children.
Autism Help / Accomplishments: 

In addition to writing a book, that I hope to soon finish and get published, called Wyatt's Way Home - The Road Map Through Autism, I have built a website of the same title at www.WyattsWayHome.org with which I hope to spread Wyatt's remarkable message of hope for total health far and wide.

My Daily Motivations: 

My beautiful little guy Wyatt inspires both my wife Jodie and I to keep Wyatt on course to the total health he will soon have. The friends that we have made along this journey are just amazing people, with hearts of gold, that have become family, and also keep me supplied with energy. Having faith in the truth and God, and always remembering that what is truly important is the quaility of our love, keeps me centered.

Beyond the restoration of my son to total health, I hope to be a factor in helping many others find their way to the same. It is my goal to build WyattsWayHome.org into a as big a force as I can to help end the suffering of innocent children at the hands of a medical system that refuses to listen to the cries of the children and parents whom they are supposed to serve. As there are those within this system that are willfully guilty of the wanton distruction of lives for their own gain. It is my further goal to do everything I can to hasten the day of their reckoning with the truth, to the end that they will be stopped, and and all those quilty of gross negligence are criminally prosecuted as is their due.
Help Needed: 
We do need help! Thanks to the economy, the grant that was paying for all of Wyatt's expenses on his unique method of total recovery has been lost. WyattsWayHome.org is now able to accept online donations which we are in desperate need of to keep Wyatt on track to his total healing. We also hope to eventually raise enough money to start a foundation for the purpose of financially helping others like us to recieve this very unique and effective method of total healing.
Help to Give: 

Wyatt's website, www.WyatsWayHome.org is set up to be an ongoing source of the wealth of information that we have learned over the last four years, and are continuing to learn. We intend to use our website as a platform in distributing the truth behind the doings of a medical system machine, driven by profit, that is out of control and continues to strive towards being a total medical dictatorship.

In addition to building WyattsWayHome.org, and working on the book Wyatt's Way Home, I am pursuing publishing Wyatt's story in all other media including broadcast radio and TV, and print magazines. At Teri's gracious request, I have recently completed an article on Wyatt's story for future publication in the Autism File magazine, and am working on various different articles that will be appearing here on the Autism One website blogs. Having had over 3 years experience as a television producer in my past, I am also developing a series of TV shows that I intend to produce using our local cable access channel. Once they are "in the can", I intend to distribute them as far and wide as possible.
Though I no longer have the time or money for the them right now, I have a passion for flying single engine airplanes, landscape photography, and trout fishing, all of which I hope to someday teach to my son Wyatt.
Books / Magazines: 
The Good Book is my most read and studied book. When I make some time for it, I also love reading any of the books written by Richard Bach, a fellow pilot and spirtual traveler.
I have so many favorite qoutes from a wide range of people inculding, to name just a few, Albert Einstein - "Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." The writer Richard Bach, author of Illusions and many others - "Argue for your limitations, and you get to keep them". But my favorite quote of all time is from Gene Kranz, the NASA flight director during Appolo 13 - "Failure is not an option".
In 1969 God smiled on the world of music, sending beautiful sound from heaven through the new progressive rock band Yes. While I love many types of music, the powerfully positive and incredibly gifted music of Yes has always been my favorite, and a big lift for me.
TV Shows: 
National Geographic
Most any true story movie of a positve nature. I also love Star Trek for it's writing, and positive vision of a more perfect world of the future.
Inspirational Spots: 
By far the most inspirational spot for me is about 500 feet above puffy white clouds. Flying has taught me perspective, among many other things. Though I have not physically been up there for a number of years, my mind is often floating around up there, and I get to fly in my dreams, except without the airplane!
Personal Heroes: 
My personal heroes are anyone who does anything to help a child in need. Thankfully that list is too long! But I hope that it keeps getting longer.