TannersDad Lays it on the line. Autism & the House.
It is one thing to be rejected by your partner but after losing my job again, again, again... Let's just say I have lost track, I think my right hand has decided to kick me out of bed. I am not worthy We are not worthy. I am not going to pass the buck and write a woe is me post. No this is a larger view. The setting on this stage is on a backdrop of a family dealing with Heart attacks, Autism, & Unemployment but that just is the little punch in the gut that gets me thinking. Where does the Male go to find strokes for that once mighty ego?
There has always been a battle over toilet paper in our house. You know when the roll is empty who gets to change it. The person coming in or the person going out. That is just one very very small example of the breakdown of communication in a marriage.
When I was brought up, way back in the 1960's & 1970's things were changing. Many Moms were going out and getting jobs. They were mostly feel good, low paying, school hours type jobs. Sexist I know but that was the case. I was brought up with a Dad still in denial who worked, worked, came home & worked. Then talked about work. So the house work seemed to fall on the Mothers shoulders. Now we come to the our time and how does that play out. Battle lines are drawn. You would think after more than 24 years of marriage we would have these things figured out. Roles have been reversed and I have yet to get my head wrapped around the fact that she is telling me this shit to clean up is my job... literally.
Today is the first day of my new role. After being beaten with a two by four in the construction industry and being laid off yesterday,. I finally have come to this conclusion. Now will the body cooperate with the mind. We will see. I will let you know.
When this Depression for families dealing with Autism is over, Maybe we will have a stronger more useful male in some of the households. I know many of my gender run for the hills at this point. I know the Outback of Australia keeps calling my name. I plan on sticking with it as long as God willing. I know many days my wife is ready to kick me to the curb. Just when she detailed about 15 things that were actually going right in her life, I bring home this bomb shell. I am sorry honey... At least today, when you come home from work the bathroom will be pre-cleaned so when you go to inspect and point our all the places I missed.... I can do it again... If you let me. God Save the male. Please give me any suggestions about how you have resolved this conflict in your house hold.
What can you do today...
If you are a parent... Love your child unconditionally. Do not let your child feel they are any less because they cannot communicate the way we do or look after themselves. Do not forget to look after yourself and your significant other. ( If you don't have one find one...There is someone out there for everyone. You deserved to be loved also). Join a church. Speak to your friends. Keep up the good fight.
If you are Friend... If you have resources please consider supporting AutismOne as they move the agenda towards services and support programs. If you do not have financial resources provide respite services... Babysit, go with a parent to the grocery store, or running errands. Be there to listen.
If you are in the medical community it is time to wake up and do something...
If you are in the insurance industry it is time to make the people responsible pay...
if you are in the media it time to tell the truth...
If you are in the government it is time act...
If you are in education it is time to educate...
If you are in a religious community it is time to rally the troops to support families...
If you are involved in a Autism group please invite them to join the Move to Heal Autism By 2030 (MTHA)
If you are in contact with amanda peet and have a child with Autism invite her over to experience our lives first hand and but out of our childrens and the future of others children.
If you are impacted by autism (that means you are part of the human race) Join me in the fight. Join causecast with your own cause or mine. Make a difference in our world. now. State your change! Then make it happen.
If you happen to have some sleeping pills, sleep ideas for children with autism, or want to come spend the night let me know.... I need a nap.
Say a prayer for all those dealing or not dealing with their "Autism Like" conditions.
On Twitter #FeelAutismYet #TruthFirst #Autismabc #APE #Autism #BFH #Tahml #HDTJ #HC09 #PMB @TannersDad #UWAC
If you are in the pharmaceutical industry it is time to pray...
If you or a family member in the Military are impacted by Autism help me promote a meeting between Angela Warner from and Michelle Obama
People it is just time to deal with Autism....
How much longer…