Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today!; Dr. Holmes interviews Dennis Rogers founder of Safe Haven Farms
Originally Aired Sat, 11/21/2009 - 1:00pmAutism One Radio Apr 11-Apr 16 Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today! With Dr. David L. Holmes,
A Worldwide, Internet-Based Radio Station for the Care, Treatment, and
Recovery of All Children with Autism
Sat, Apr 15
1pm-1:30 Dr. David Holmes: Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today!
focuses on events that have impacted individuals and families affected by
autism--not merely addressing what happened--but more importantly why. Dr. Holmes has founded many award winning educational, employment and residential services over a span of 40
On this show, Dr. Holmes discusses with Dennis Rogers, father of 29 year old Emily who has autism, the opportunities he is developing to help individuals from childhood into adulthood through his new organization Safe Haven Farms located in southern Ohio.
For future shows, questions are encouraged in advance, and Dr. Holmes will answer inquiries about where to find the best adult residential and employment/day programs.
E-mail Dr. Holmes with your questions:; and visit him on the web:;