
The dog ate my homework and other excuses used to avoid facing truth about Autism

I think I have heard it all now. In the known civilized world there is no reason for a teacher to be hitting, yelling at, and physically abusing a student. If that student is non-verbal and dealing with Autism it rises to the level of criminal negligence, even assault and battery. Well that is happening more than we like to admit. I am not sure why but society gets more wound up about Michael Vick abusing dogs than the continuing abuse of those with Autism. I will be referring to the video here…

Tonight I want to write about a more insidious virus taking over our culture. The culture of blame and excuses. The lawyer said in this video and others that many things were going on in the Teachers life. He said the Aide was disgruntled. The Administration did not do right by the teacher. The one that drove me over the edge was the teacher was dealing with Diabetes.

For 66 years we have heard nothing but excuses when it comes to the Autism Crisis. We have decided to point the finger at everyone and everything. Something does not smell right when we are calling Mom’s Refrigerator Mothers. We are blaming Old fathers, too much TV, not enough sun, to much computer time, and the list goes on.

On 09.09.09 The National Autism Association will unveil its new campaign asking “How much longer, America, How much longer.” On its website There are some amazing advertisements asking why why why and demanding no more excuses. It is time we all looked in the mirror and said how many more generations are going to go by the wayside before we do something.

I realized this week that early intervention has passed Tanner By. I know now that probably, Tanner is destined to be trapped within himself. I do not have the resources and the system is avoiding doing anything about this generation. What will happen after we are gone… This video sums up my fears…

What can you do today...

If you are a parent... Love your child unconditionally. Do not let your child feel they are any less because they cannot communicate the way we do or look after themselves. Do not forget to look after yourself and your significant other. ( If you don't have one find one...There is someone out there for everyone. You deserved to be loved also). Join a church. Speak to your friends. Keep up the good fight.

If you are Friend... If you have resources please consider supporting Generation Rescue as they move the agenda towards services and support programs. If you do not have financial resources provide respite services... Babysit, go with a parent to the grocery store, or running errands. Be there to listen.

If you are in the medical community it is time to wake up and do something...
If you are in the insurance industry it is time to make the people responsible pay...
if you are in the media it time to tell the truth...
If you are in the government it is time act...
If you are in education it is time to educate...
If you are in a religious community it is time to rally the troops to support families...
If you are involved in a Autism group please invite them to join the Move to Heal Autism By 2030 (MTHA)

If you are in the New York City Office of Autism Speaks... remember that $50,000 you took from my community this fall could have helped to pay for my sons therapy this year.

If you are in contact with amanda peet and have a child with Autism invite her over to experience our lives first hand and but out of our childrens and the future of others children.

If you are impacted by autism (that means you are part of the human race) Join me in the fight. Join causecast with your own cause or mine. Make a difference in our world. now. State your change! Then make it happen.

If you happen to have some sleeping pills, sleep ideas for children with autism, or want to come spend the night let me know.... I need a nap.

Say a prayer for all those dealing or not dealing with their "Autism Like" conditions.

On Twitter #FeelAutismYet #TruthFirst #Autismabc #APE #Autism #BFH #Tahml #HDTJ @TannersDad

If you are in the pharmaceutical industry it is time to pray...

If you or a family member in the Military are impacted by Autism help me promote a meeting between Angela Warner from and Michelle Obama

People it is just time to deal with Autism....

How much longer…