
Medicaid Waiver Program: What's Wrong?

What is wrong with the Medicaid Waiver Program for respite? Where do I start. Let's see, first of all it is almost impossible to receive the Medicaid Waiver Program because they recently changed it to a lottery type system now. First off you have to apply and do the paper work with the organization that is handling your area. Then you wait and wait (forever) because they made it a lottery type system now in order for your name to be picked. I am sure it is faster if you happen to know someone in order for your name to be called (Illinois politics!!!). The purpose of this program is to be based on need in order for the parent or guardian to receive it; like income, divorce and severity and needs of the child or adult and not who you know. The Medicaid Wavier Program was started to give parents or guardians respite help in their homes and to help keep the child or adult in the home and not in an institution.

Recently, I was asked by an Illinois senator who was assigned to review the Medicaid Wavier Program to discuss its pro's and con's. I was lucky enough to have this Medicaid Wavier Program for my daughter Candace before they changed it to the lottery based system now. I do not want to only like the Medicaid Wavier Program, I want to love it!! My purpose is to help other parents to receive it and make Illinois a better place to live for autism.

Faith, Love & Hope,
