Exercise Connection Goes to Egypt
November 8th, I am headed to Cairo, Egypt to educate the parents and professionals of the ADVANCE Center about the importance of exercise in the lives of our children and adults.
I was contacted about a month ago by the mother who started this organization. Like many mothers in our country, if they can't find the services, they will create them. Her story is no different.
This will be my first time out of the United States and I am blessed to have this opportunity. I would have never imagined going to Egypt but more important I get to go there and do what I love to and educate others.
The time there will be short but I hope to make a lasting impact with their organization and families. I will present for 3 days, 6 presentations in total, highlighting Theory and Philosophy, Health and Motor Assessment Practicum and Exercise Station Training.
If someone would have told me 6 years ago when I began my mission, to bring exercise in the lives of our children and families, that I would be going to educate the people of Egypt.......Never would I have imagined this.
I will keep you posted.