Down syndrome, vaccinations and ...

Many have questioned the role that vaccines play in the development of autism.

Reaching Sensory Processing ...

So frequently, sensory processing disorders, ADHD to autism, are addressed through a variety of behavioral and biochemical approaches; this can result in the significance of the biomechanical aspects of these conditions being underestimated.

Historical Perspective on ...

Dr. Carol Stott will present on the developing conceptualizations of autism and autism spectrum disorders from the 1940s to the present day.

Treatment and Care to Individuals ...

A hospital emergency room or clinical setting can be frightening for individuals with autism.

Choosing Higher Education... and ...

With today's greater awareness, research, and interventions, ever-increasing numbers of people with autism are entering higher education.

The Gut-Brain Link to Autism - Are ...

The lecture examines the possible role of infectious agents in the causes and symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).

Abnormal REDOX System in Autism by ...

Membrane lipids play an important role in the control of cellular functions.

Our AutismOne biker Steven Janak ...

In his AutismOne bike trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles Steven had many moments of mind wandering (as do most bikers).

Of Evidence, Ethics, and Education ...

How does one spark the reforms necessary to protect minds from mercury? Why do the Hippocratic Oath and the Right of Informed Consent apply to all parts of medicine, except vaccination? How do we counter the argument that a mercury-containing vaccine is better than no vaccine at all? In answering these questions, if we limit ourselves to scientific studies or political debates, then we have missed one of our most commanding arguments: the teaching of faith and ethic.

Big Sur Sentiments

Steven Janak approaches the top of his next hill in the Big Sur range along the coast.