Laviano: Jennifer Laviano and Julie Swanson: Your Special Ed Rights with Jen & Julie

Jennifer Laviano and special education advocate and parent Julie Swanson will answer your questions about your rights under the special education process in the United States. Jen and Julie will provide practical advice, strategies, and solutions to the everyday issues you face with your child’s special education. Having represented hundreds of children throughout the special education process, Jen and Julie will blend their individual and professional backgrounds to navigate you through this very complex system.

Layton: Shauna Layton

As a parent, activist, advocate, and founder of Together In Autism (T.I.A), Shauna’s focus will be on speeding the process from diagnosis to being informed, staying informed, raising awareness, connecting families, allowing them to share experiences, and helping those with autism thrive. All topics are all on the table: Vaccine & Environmental Toxins, Injuries, Biomedical Treatments, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Supplements, Therapies, Schooling/Homeschooling, Marriage, Greening Our Health, Latest News, Recovery, and much more.

Matthews : Julie Matthews : Nourishing Hope: Nutrition Intervention for Autism

Nourishing Hope provides both foundational and in depth understanding of the role of nutrition based interventions for children on the autistic spectrum. The show aims to inform and empower parents by sharing highly important information in understandable ways. From interviewing today’s experts to sharing her own experience with families, Julie aims to help parents navigate the complicated world of ASD diets, nutrition, nutrient supplementation, and food intolerances.

Rivera: Kerri Rivera

Esta serie esta enfocada en intervenciones biomedicas intencionadas para la recuperacion del autismo. Temas tales como dieta, suplementos, terapia ABA, quelacion intravenosa y camara hiperbarica. Las entrevistas se realizaran a personas que actualmente trabajan con ninos con autismo. Los programas seran en espanol.

Schwartz: Norm Schwartz MD

We now know that autism is a systemic disorder with brain and gastrointestinal inflammation, immune dysregulation and imbalanced biochemistry. The first DAN! Think Tank, sponsored by the Autism Research Institute 12 years ago, initiated a scientific and evidence-based exploration to unravel these multi-system abnormalities. A coalition of parents, researchers, and physicians had the audacity to suggest autism is treatable. Through sharing ideas and talents, listening to each other, and following the science for treatment strategies-- children improved, sometimes dramatically.

Sicile-Kira: Chantal Sicile-Kira

The Real World covers the reality of everyday life dealing with autism in all its aspects. Interview segments focus on practical issues, discussed with leading experts and community members. Questions from listeners in regards to anything related to autism will be answered in the "Dear Chantal" part of the show. Anecdotes, current events, valuable resources and noteworthy individuals will be covered in the "Travels with Autism" section. Visit Chantal's website here.

Snyder: Ruth Snyder, RN: An Autistic Voice

Ruth will bring insights and information of what it really is like living with autism in a society that does not understand it, and the effects it has on individuals with and without autism. Interviews will be primarily with adults on the spectrum, but also at "user friendly” places found “safe” in the search for self-advocacy, self-understanding, and, most of all, acceptance of self and society. Ruth encourages self-advocacy so that the children will know how far they can grow.

Sytsema: Jack & Rebecca Sytsema : Children of Destiny: Spiritual Strength and Hope for Families Struggling with Autism

If you are the parent of a child with autism, you know the agonizing pain of the shock, grief, distress, and even the hopelessness that can grip your soul. And in the midst of the dark night, one question burns in our spirits: Where is God? Within that question lies many others we are often left to ponder: What future does our child have? Can God, will God heal them? And what of the families? Will we ever get our lives back? Will our marriage survive? Will we survive?

Tommey: Polly Tommey

Polly Tommey hosts a weekly thirty-minute interview series from the UK, exploring all facets of parental and professional interest and the emerging initiatives in the international world of autism.

Polly Tommey is the mother of three children of which one son, Billy aged 11, has autism. Polly is also Editor of The Autism File, a leading circulation parental help magazine, and is the Founder of The Autism Trust charity in the UK. Polly is a passionate, expressive and well-known voice of autism.