5 Surprising Causes of ADHD

Rob Sidell hosts and produces a show reviewing articles about how science can now read your deepest thoughts and eavesdrop on your inner voice, maternal metabolic conditions that may influence the risk of ASD, ADHD - 5 causes, gut bacteria and anxiety and the risk of diabetes from a common two drug combo.

Vaccines and Brain Inflammation - The Science Behind the Words

Rob Sidell hosts and produces a show that reviews articles about two new treatments for ASD, Americans are in fact getting healthier, Vaccines and Brain Inflammation and hope is building that diseases with the presentation of intellectual disabilities are treatable.

Vaccination and Homeopathic Prophylaxis

An interview with Minnesota homeopath Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH discussing her book about vaccination and homeopathic prophylaxis. (Note: This show first aired on October 19, 2007.)

LL Talks about pharma whoring media and symptoms and their remedies

Today we discussed why CNN can do a story on "environmental toxins" and autism, yet completely miss the vaccine link. 18 veterans and soldiers a day are committing suicide, most are on psychotropic drugs and all have been vaccinated with experimental vaccines, RFID tracking chips in your food (yes you brainless twit, now you don't even have to read the instructions on the colorful box!) and Kim continues her discussion on symptoms and their remedies.

LL talks about Tyranny

Yes folks, this show has a certain edge to it. We're talking about tyranny and the idiots that don't even know how to pronounce the damn word!!!! You won't believe what happened to me today to set the tone for this show!!!! Enjoy!

Kids Given Dangerous Drugs for Disease That Does Not Exist

Rob Sidell produces a show that reviews articles about the meteoric rise in developmental disabilities, the use of Ritalin for ADHD in ASD, "The Kids are NOT ALRIGHT", mind reading with MRI and scientists now describing a link between ubiquitous environmental chemicals and ASD.

''Dyscalculia'' Some of Our Kids Have Trouble With Numbers

Rob Sidell produces a show that reviews articles about two new promising treatments for ASD, Dyscalculia - poor cousin to dyslexia, gut microbes make you who you are, and the epidemic of mental illness.

LL talks about Epigenetics and nutrition

Today on LL! we talk about a new study regarding epigenetics and what this study means to our kids and our own health. We also discuss one of my favorites: Needle Points newsletter and the Ask The Experts section of this ignorant propaganda from the medical profession. Kim continues with her segment on nutrition with explanation of "the dirty dozen" and "eating the rainbow". ENJOY!!!!

LL goes balistic today

Today we talk about "Trends in the Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in U.S. Children, 1997-2008" A bullshit study done by the CDC and printed in the AAP pharmawhore "journal" Pediatrics. We also discuss a young man who has had his life ruined for being: Black, Aspergers and wanting to go to the library. Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, free Reginald "Neli" Latson or face the consequences! Go to avoiceforneli.com to learn more. Oh, and the U.S. government has known since 1980 that RoundUp causes birth defects.......surpirized?????

Dr. Holmes interviews Thorkil Sonne, Founder of Specialist People

Thorkil Sonne, a Danish entrepreneur, founded Specialist People to find "one million jobs" for people with autism. He has created a global effort to match individuals on the autism spectrum with companies who are looking for I.T. specialists who are focused on detail and intensely committed to getting the job done right. Mr. Sonne is the father of Lars, a young man on the Autism Spectrum.