Weekend Global Autism News Review - 11/06/2010

Rob Sidell interviews Dr. Becker. This is another in depth exploration of Dr. Becker's unique, educated and deeply thought out perspective of the "visual challenges" faced by people on the Spectrum.

There's Hope With Homeopathy - Amy Lansky - Dosing (Part 2)

Dosing Part 2.  A review of dry dosing.  The rationale behind liquid dosing.  LM potencies. How to do liquid dosing, including LM dosing. (This show first aired on December 15, 2006.)

Two Decades After Willowbrook: An Interview with Robert Krakow


Weekly Autism Global News in Review 09/08/10

Rob Sidell hosts and produces a show that reviews articles about the use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the left anterior temporal (ATL) lobe of the brain to produce a temporary boost to visual memory and perceptual skills. These testing results have been described as very similar to the scoring of those with an ASD diagnosis.

First Monday of the Month at Noon - Biomedical Treatments for the Spectrum

Weekend Autism Global News in Review - 09/11/10

Rob Sidell Hosts and produces a show which reviews articles about 3 new studies into the cause of ASD, geometric visual pattern preference may help with early diagnosis of ASD, the importance of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) in the developement of and communication between the synapses, a study of the similarities and differences between Williams syndrome and ASD and why being a picky eater and food preferences so prevelent with ASD is not an indicator of abnormal physical development as far as height, weight and body mass index.

Weekly Autism Global News in Review 09/15/10

Rob and Mike Sidell introduce and produce a show that reviews articles about the Vaccine Court's first settlement for a vaccine/autism injury, the very hopeful use of a common adolescent acne medicine to help the syptomolgy of Fragile X, a new understanding of the inhibitory effects and complexity of interneurons, DNA Nanobots of the future and the use of functional MRI in the understanding of the brain and the diagnosis of neurological disease.

Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today!

The international radio show, Adults on the Autism Spectrum; TODAY!, is brought to you on the third Saturday of every month. The general themes addressed on the show include: planning for the future; how to access adult services; effective transition approaches; wills/trusts/guardianship; self-advocacy; state and national advocacy; service development; employment opportunities; supported living; recreation/leisure activities; and, personal stories of success and struggle.

Weekend Autism Global News in Review - 09/18/10

Rob Sidell hosts and produces a show that reviews interesting articles about a new vaccine "patch" which will replace needles and the adjuvant or stablizer required in today's vaccines, how talking to yourself may be a sign of what makes you smart, a new drug called Arbaclofen which may alleviate some of the syptoms of ASD by rebalancing brain chemistry, toddler vaccination rates remain above 90%, and a serious article about junk food and addiction,

Healing the Whole Person, Healing Whole Families