Weekly Autism Global News in Review 03/10/10

Rob and Michael open a great show that reviews articles on Vaccines, second generation antipsychotic drugs, 100 billion gut bacteria and scandal and fraud in studies supporting thimerisol.

Linderman Live 03-10-10

Today on Linderman Live we talked about the Danish researcher Poul Thorsen absconding with 2 millioon dollars of research money and disappearing and the implications this has on his two research papers regarding the MMR & Thimerosal Containing Vaccines. We also discussed the recent Landrigan study and an Op Ed pertaining to the study from NYTs Op Ed columnist; Nicholas Kristof. Plus school budget issues and more!

Linderman Live 03-11-10

Today on Linderman Live we're talking about the litteral destruction of our planet by the governments of the world through pharmaceuticals and big AG. Glyphosate (Round Up) GMO seeds and how they will destroy the planet

Linderman Live 03-12-10

Today we had Dr. Ben Rall D.C. from South Dakota talking about natural health and a controvercy that has arisen because of a medical doctor's complaint against Dr. Rall for speaking out against vaccination.

Linderman Live 03-17-10

Today we talked about GMO foods, the sugar beet ruling from San Francisco, SmartStax GMO corn from Monsanto and why being Right or Left is simply WRONG!

Linderman LIVE 03-18-10

AdHD meds hurting, not helping children with the disorder. Vaccines and why is the medical profession targeting minorities? Atrazine and what it means to our human population : plus hermaphrodite, sterile and gay frogs? Hows this tie in to herbacide use?

Linderman Live 03-19-10

Today on Linderman LIVE! we're discussing the GMO Supreme Court Case about to be heard: MOnsanto vs. Geertson Sedd Farms. We're also discussing Natural Cancer cures and how PHaRMa always seems to screw up and bastardize great remedies and the 2nd brain and what role it plays in our health and the causes of autism

Weekend Autism Global News in Review - 03/20/10

Rob and Mike host a great show reviewing articles on a new 5 minute test for autism, ADHD drugs harm to children, the chemical industry is starting to go green, aphasia and processing music, testosterone in girls, food not flab is what hurts and a new "clean room" study.

Geri Brewster, RD, MPH, CDN : Healing the Whole Person, Healing Whole Families

Jam With Sam! Sam Debold April 2010 Show

This month Sam plays a number of songs from a Walt Disney classic movie, Fantasia. Selections include The Pines of Rome, Rhapsody in Blue, Firebird Suite and Carnival of the Animals. Please Enjoy!!