Weekly AutismOne 30 Minute Global News in Review -The Sidell's
Program Archive
Wed, 01/04/2012 - 12:00pm
Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce the first show for 2012! They review articles about the hope of recovery from ASD, the Dynamic Benefits of Earthing or Grounding, the brain's growth and the development of the cerebral cortex, bacteria's stealth tactics, BPA's negative affects on the female's heart electronic signalling and new tools to train those with ASD to percieve and understand the discreet signals of the human face.
Wed, 12/28/2011 - 12:00pm
Dr. Devin Houston, PhD., founder of Houston Nutraceuticals, gives an in depth interview about the need for and use of enzymes in the dietary approach to recovery for people diagnosed with ASD. Sit in with Rob Sidell, father of a recovered son, as he learns about ENZYMES from the pioneer of this digestive aid and its use for the benefit of Autistic Children.
Wed, 12/21/2011 - 12:00pm
Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce an interesting show reviewing recent articles about the use of a sauna, the fleeting benefits of a flu vaccine, breaking down temper tantrums, What Happens to Our Consciousness When We Go Under, platelets and the immune system, prozac and the possible reversal of Alzheimers.
Wed, 12/14/2011 - 12:00pm
Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a great show reviewing articles about the ubiquitous exposure to arsenic even in rice, how violence permanently changes the brain, the Use of Skin Cells to Study ASD, dyslexia, oxytocin, antioxidant use may inhibit the effectiveness of antibiotics and a "dog" assisted classroom.
Wed, 12/07/2011 - 12:00pm
Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about vitamin D, what happens when two minds meet, the connection between a gifted memory and OCD, the difference between listening and hearing, the Lack of Science and/or Proven Efficacy of Psychotropic Drugs for ASD, the magical healing properties of the woman's womb and a National Biodefense Science Board's (NBSB) endorsement of Anthrax vaccine testing in children.
Wed, 11/30/2011 - 12:00pm
Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a great show reviewing articles about how practicing mind control helps those with Parkinson's, How Brain Doping and Its Attending Cognative Enhancement is Becoming the Expected Norm, BPA from cans is 1000.00% more than previously thought, should boys be forced/given HPV vaccine and secret toxic chemicals in many household products.
Wed, 11/23/2011 - 12:00pm
Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about a study showing the brain's dramatic changes over a lifetime, a vaccine for C.diff, MD's and Therapists Now Push for Dads to Get Involved, the coincidental introduction of the Haemophilus Influenzae tybe b (Hib) vaccine and dramatic rise in ASD diagnosis, antibiotics permanent destruction of good bacteria and how the brains of those with ASD may develope more slowly than healthy brains.
Wed, 11/16/2011 - 12:00pm
Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about Autism being linked to unique lung structure, viruses and gut biome show dynamic responses to changes in diet, Olive Oil Injections Help Detoxify - Improving Septicaemia, Rheumatism and Absorbing Toxins from Pneumonia and Erysipelas, a study supporting the pre-natal origins of ASD, a fresh look a Wakefield and the MMR "fraud" and an article detailing how young MDs are more apt to question the use of vaccines and the "schedule".
Wed, 11/09/2011 - 12:00pm
Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about birth complications that can raise the risk of ASD, why girls with ASD (particularly Asperger's) are not diagnosed, the Autistic Advantage and How the Acceptance of Different Minds Has Lifted Us as a Species, how air pollution from traffic is impairing our minds and a breakthrough in lung repair.
Wed, 11/02/2011 - 12:00pm
Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about television's affect on a toddler's brain and skills, how even a mild traumatic brain injury can double the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's, Children With Birth Defects and Their Parents are Suing Doctors for "Wrongful Birth", how some viruses use gut bacteria to shield themselves from the body's immune system (Stealth), how girls pre-natal exposure to BPA may increase behavioral problems.