Twitter Autism Advocacy TannersDad Vision Answers for Autism
Timothy Welsh 16,000th tweet on the way to 100,000.
TannersDad Vision:
1,000,000 Retweets #APE ( Autism Pandemic Evolution )
100,000 Tweets #TAhml ( Tweet Autism How much longer)
10,000 Followers #FAY ( Feel Autism Yet )
1,000 Groups United #UWAC ( Unity within Autism Community )
100 Senators Supporting #PMB ( Poison Mercury Boycott & Ban )
10 Commandments Obeyed #TruthFirst ( Truth First )
1 ANSWER FOR #AUTISM #1in91 ( A number that was 1 in 10,000 )
@TannersDad Vision 1M RT 100K Tweets 10K Followers 1K Grps United #UWAC 100 Senators Supporting 10 Commandments Obeyed ONE ANSWER FOR #AUTISM