Maverick Mama Grows Up: Adult Autism Considered December 2010

For this the last show of 2010, Maverick Mama has a new title and a new stated purposed:

"Maverick Mama Grows Up: Adult Autism Considered" will look exclusively at the issues facing adults with Autism and their Families. A lot of the content will be from a personal angle, as author and journalist Barbara Fischkin (a.k.a. Maverick Mama) recounts the experiences of her 23-year-old son Dan Mulvaney who lives in a terrific new group home and has severe autism. This is, in many ways, the chronicle of his new life - and it is hoped that others will benefit from his experiences as reported by his mother. And sometimes from Dan -- and from others.

Maverick Mama Grows up has a new schedule, too- The first Tuesday of every other month at 9 AM.
The show, the chronicle of Dan's life will -- after this program -- continue in Februrary 2011. As always it will be archived thanks to the hard work of the folks at Autism One.

Maverick Mama would love to hear from you. Email is
Share your own stories of the trials and joys of Adult Autism and I will try to make them part of the show in 2011. I would love, of course. to hear not merely from parents but from adults who have autism. I have a Facebook friend in Australia who is on the Spectrum and chimes in on Facebook. Folks like that could make a great contribution to this program.

This, the December 2010 show will further explore dental issues with young adults with autism - an update on our last show. It will also ponder whether stimming should be modified (comfortably) so that an adult with autism looks more socially acceptable. Feel free to disagree vehemently. Maverick Mamas welcomes all views.

Although all listeners are welcome, this really is not a show for parents with little children recently diagnosed. So much has changed and is changing that it is our hope your little ones will be cured by the time they reach Dan's age.