How do you know? A medical literature search tutorial

On July 26, 2009, 4:58 am

The media continually tells us the important findings of newly-published studies. But how do you know if media's interpretation of the study is really what the study found? And how do you know if it was a well-designed study without methodological flaws? If you would like to know how to obtain studies and judge them for yourself then this workshop is for you! Through the use of an on-line Internet demonstration, you will learn the basic techniques for doing a medical literature search in the National Library of Medicine. Don't be at the mercy of the media any longer. Come and join in the inquiry!

Laurette Janak is a parent-researcher and mother of a child on the autism spectrum who also has Down syndrome and leukemia. She presented at the Autism One 2007 and 2008 conferences sharing her investigations into mechanisms that might explain the significantly increased occurrence of autism within the Down syndrome population. Her most recent work includes publication of two articles on Down syndrome and autism appearing in the Winter 2009 edition of the international magazine The Autism File.

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