Dr. Charles Chapple - AutismOne Conference 2008
Rob Sidell and the audience visit with a well recognized clinician and the father of a boy on the spectrum.
Dr. Chapple the sensory cravings of ASD kids and how rocking, banging and spinning are related to the development of their reflexes. He walks us through the developmental process by defining the primitive, the postural and the cognative reflexes.
Dr. Chapple discusses the sympathetic vs. the para-sympathetic nervous system and how "moving to feel better" is the purpose of many of the behaviours of ASD kids. He introduces the audience to the concept of "Safe Haven" poses. He explains that many ASD kids are stuck in the "Reptilian Brain" part of their development and have not yet moved on the the Mid-Brain or Cognative Brain stages.
Dr. Chapple explains part of the treatment of the cranial nerve and how some ASD kids don't like to have their cut or someone touching their head or neck. Cranial/Sacral in combonation with chiropractic can be very helpful to these issues.
Dr. Chapple talks to us about the bladder and bowels, regression, GFCF diets, metals and toxins, and what to do when you first get a diagnosis.