The purpose of this talk is to discuss an integrative educational care that is able to facilitate academic, behavioral, and emotional progress for children with autism. An educational philosophy that allows for the enhancement of a child's/adolescent's strengths and minimizes challenges is critical to his/her success. A model was developed to provide an organization of critical issues that will enhance the understanding of successfully parenting and educating children with autism. This model for child development looks at the context and each area of development (communication, social skills, motor skills, and academic accomplishments). By understanding these aspects, along with communication and socialization, the biological, psychological, social, and academic skills will be enhanced.
Specifically, this talk will assist the learner in understanding areas of child development that impact children/adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. This includes cognition, adaptive behavior, social skills and roles, health, and medical issues. These will all be discussed in the context of the family and school setting.
Parents will be able to understand ways of assessing these areas and related interventions for home and school. A case study will be presented in order to apply this information.