Autism and Autoimmune Disease: A close look at co-existing autoimmune diseases in children with autism and their immediate family members

On June 8, 2009, 5:09 pm

Carolyn will address potential roadblocks in dietary, biomedical, and other interventions due to unidentified and/or untreated autoimmune disease.

Carolyn Lewis has offered dietary support through her website, support group meetings, and phone consults for the past eight years. Her son with autism made significant improvements with a gluten-free/casein-free diet beginning at age two. Although her son's diet continued to improve over the years, his health declined significantly in 2008. The diagnosis of a autoimmune disease changed the course in dietary and other interventions for her son. Her son is now doing well in mainstream 4th grade. Carolyn holds weekly support group meetings at The Angel Center is Oswego, Illinois for parents with children on the autism spectrum.

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