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International Autism Congress in Puerto Rico

This is the first International Congress combining ABA-Biomed to be held in the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan PR during the days 6 and 7 of February 2010. Visit our website for more info on speakers, registration and donations.

Lorna Ortiz, PhD.
Curando el Autismo CEA
International Congress (ABA-Biomed)
San Juan PR 2010

1er Congreso Autismo (ABA-Biomed) in Puerto Rico


Our first Congress for Autism in Puerto Rico (ABA-Biomed)- February 6 and 7 in San Juan, Puerto Rico... So far confirmed all the speakers on both the ABA side and the Biomed side, now looking for sponsors...

Advancing Futures for Adults with Autism, a national town hall meeting on November 13, 2009

Powerful Videos #Autism Answers Now #UWAC and Join us for Advancing Futures for Adults with Autism, a national town hall meeting on November 13, 2009.

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The connection between birth defects ...

Over the 30 years I have been working on birth defect research, the definition of a birth defect has expanded from structural (missing pieces and parts) to faulty development of the systems that run the body (immune, endocrine, neurological).

Considerations for Prevention of ...

The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders has increased at least 1500% in the last 20 years.

Vaccine Law in Emergency Context by ...

Learn about your legal rights as parents when it comes to vaccinations.

A Parent Survival Guide to ...

Modern psychiatry would like us to believe that autism is a "behavioral" disease.


Using and Losing the Label!

The Sidells review articles about the neuroanatomical differences between the Fragile X label and PDDNOS, the exploration of our viruses and a new science to study the "virome", cross-talk between the gut and the brain facilitated by your bacterial "biome", a new computer based method to detect and observe epileptic seizures and the professionals who are offering thew FDA and EPA their help in creating regulatory ansd risk assessments for chemicals in our environment.

Dr. Charles Chapple - AutismOne Conference 2009

Rob Sidell and the audience get a unique opportunity to talk with a well recognized clinician and the father of Sean, a child on the Spectrum. Dr. Chapple's perpective and his tireless drive to help children and parents to recover is inspiring. He's the real deal!