EBCALA: Know Your Legal Rights
Thursday, May 23
2 p.m. Know Your Parental Rights with DSM5 ASD Changes
Katie Weisman, Jodi Bouer, Esq., Mitchel Perlman, PhD, Steven Kosser
Moderator: Rick Ellis
3 p.m. Know Your Family Law Rights
Lisa Colin, Esq. and Kim Mack Rosenberg, Esq.
3:45-5:15 Know Your Insurance Rights
Jodi Bouer, Esq. and Yvonne McNamee
Friday, May 24
8:30 a.m. An Update On Congress, Autism and the VICP
Mark Blaxill, Lou Conte, Brian Hooker and Rolf Hazelhurst, Esq.
Moderator: Lisa Colin, Esq.
Saturday, May 25
1:45 p.m. Know Your Vaccine Exemption Rights
Mary Holland, Esq. Kevin Barry, Esq.
Moderator: Kim Mack Rosenberg, Esq.
Topic Descriptions
Know Your Parental Rights with DSM-5 ASD Changes
We will compare the definitions of autism spectrum disorders in DSM-IV with the proposed new definition of “Autism Spectrum Disorder” that will replace all of them in 2013 if adopted by the American Psychiatric Association. Participants will compare the diagnostic criteria side-by-side to see how a healthcare professional can translate an existing DSM-IV Autism Spectrum diagnosis into a DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis, and the potential pitfalls in that process.
Know Your Family Law Rights
CPS may be used to pressure parents into making “alternative” health care decisions. Parents may face neglect or abuse allegations. Court action and child removal are realities for some families. This presentation will assist counsel/parents in preparing for an inquiry and will highlight recent cases. Also, learn about the “letter of intent.” While not legally binding, this letter is an “operation manual” for your child if you are, even temporarily, unable to provide care.
Know Your Insurance Rights
In this new seminar, insurance attorney Jodi Bouer and billing and coding expert Yvonne McNamee will explain the major components of your insurance policy, and break down the insurance claims process to demystify how you can obtain coverage for your child’s autism therapies. They will identify key arguments and strategies that you can use to maximize your reimbursments. Please bring your coverage and coding questions to the seminar, which will be highly interactive with an extensive Q&A period.
An Update on Congress, Autism and the VICP
On November 29, 2012, Congress held the first hearing on autism in 10 years. It was a momentous day for our community and it has been said that more hearings will come. In addition, this year the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) compensated two new cases for children who developed autism. The members of our panel are some of the many people who have been on the frontlines to witness and to fight for these small victories in Washington. They will be giving an update on what they have been working on and what they see in the future from Congress and from the VICP. There will also be a question and answer section with our panel at the end of their presentation.
Know Your Vaccine Exemption Rights
Can I get a philosophical exemption in my state? Do I need to practice a certain religion to get a religious exemption? Can my child’s school deny my exemption or question my religious sincerity? Vaccine exemptions are something that are very important to families of children with autism but are different state to state and can be complicated if you don’t know where to start. Our panel of experts has years of experience working with both advocacy groups and individuals to help them navigate the many obstacles around vaccine exemptions. They will be telling you everything you need to know about your vaccine exemption rights and how to find helpful resources in your state.
Advocating for your child is often a complex and sometimes counter-intuitive process. At Law Day, parents will learn the basic concepts of special education law, the importance of strategizing and how to use this knowledge to gain control of their child’s education.
The primary goal of Law Day: parents will become empowered IEP team members by gaining an understanding of special education law strategies, which then can be directly applied to their child’s specific needs and situation.
8 a.m. IDEA Overview
Tim Adams, Esq.
8:30 a.m. Preparing for Advocacy
Lynne Arnold and Tim Adams, Esq.
9 a.m. Assessments and Evaluations
Tim Adams, Esq., and Lynne Arnold
10:15 a.m. Morning Break
10:30 a.m. Understanding School District and Independent Assessments
Mitchel Perlman, PhD
Noon Lunch
1-3 p.m. IEP Strategy
Lynne Arnold and Tim Adams, Esq.
3:15 p.m. Afternoon Break
3:30 p.m. Advanced Special Education Topics
Tim Adams, Esq. and Jennifer Keefe, Esq.
4 p.m. Q & A