
How Does a Moron Make it Through Med School

How does a moron make it through medical school? The truth is: they don’t. So what can possibly explain idiots like Dr. Michael Green, an infectious disease expert from the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, that defend an increase in the AAP and CDC’s recommended vaccination schedule? These people cannot be that stupid. They have had to get through medical school, no easy task I am sure. So what could the answer be? What could make physicians like Dr. Green vote to add more vaccines to an already massive vaccination protocol? There can only be one explanation: they are pure evil. They have sold out to their pharmaceutical masters with little or no concern for the children they have been tasked with caring for. This is my humble opinion.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and doctors Like Green continue to cling desperately like scared little children to incredibly flawed research and published studies that have so many holes in their conclusions that you could drive an eighteen wheeler through them. While anecdotal evidence seems to be more than sufficient when their studies come to the conclusions that they would like, the anecdotal evidence of hundreds of thousands of families worldwide that clearly state that their children regressed into autism directly after vaccination is no cause for concern to these bastards.
In a Health day article published on January 4th 2010 entitled; New Childhood Vaccines Schedules Released, the information that people like myself write about is considered nothing but “noise” and “misinformation or incomplete information about vaccines.” I consider this line of thinking criminal and unconscionable. The doctors of the AAP and this article in particular are, at best, being incredibly disingenuous with their remarks regarding autism and vaccines. While they clearly state that there is no evidence that vaccines cause autism, they then go on to state “But the data has consistently shown that the measles vaccine doesn’t cause autism.”
Now pardon me for bringing this to the attention of these “great minds” that sit around a table at the CDC and determine how they will poison your child, but there are far more than just the measles vaccine that we are concerned about. With regards to the lack of evidence between vaccines and autism: do these pathetic idiots have one study that has researched the effects of these combinations of vaccines? Is there one study that looks at the possible adverse reactions from multiple vaccines in one visit? No there isn’t and don’t look for any anytime soon.
The new vaccine schedule for 2010 will now mandate the H1N1 vaccine for all children older than six months of age, a newly licensed HPV vaccine, a three dose series of HPV vaccine for boys and a new booster for meningococcal vaccine. They go on to suggest that the “use of combination vaccines are generally preferred over separate injections.” Adding more vaccines to a schedule already in question is further evidence that these monsters are either too ignorant to deal with reality (which I don’t believe to be the case) or completely evil in their intentions.
There are absolutely no studies to warrant the AAP’s position that combined vaccines are safer than single dose vaccines. These pathetic morons even state in their own literature that this strategy is simply to minimize the number of injection sites (of which they are running out of). With no research to guarantee the safety of combination vaccines or a number of vaccines given in one visit, should we really be listening to these imbeciles?
The act of administering a cervical cancer vaccine to a species that does not have a cervix is criminal. The science behind this vaccine and the evidence that the human papillomavirus even causes cervical cancer is still inconclusive, yet now the AAP and the CDC are suggesting that this vaccine will save boys from the embarrassment of genital warts. Knowing that the scientist that helped develop the HPV vaccine has publically stated that this vaccine was never tested on the age group of girls that these idiots have mandated the vaccine for and instead, rethinking their strategy and performing the proper safety testing warranted, they have now elected to mandate the vaccine for young boys as well!
The time has long passed to tell the AAP, the CDC and yes, the United States Government that we will not take this any longer. Autism is long past pandemic levels (surpassing Down syndrome, childhood cancers and cystic fibrosis combined). Chronic illness and auto immune diseases are also at epidemic levels never before witnessed. American children are the most vaccinated in the world, yet our infant mortality rate is dismal in comparison with other western nations. We are one of the few nations on this planet that routinely vaccinate day old infants against a sexually transmitted disease!
The time to be politically correct and nice is over. These doctors should be jailed for their crimes against humanity. Their chrome, copper, stone, brick and steel headquarters should be confiscated and the new tenants should be the caring physicians, healers, naturopaths and homeopaths that actually care about the health and wellbeing of our children. To be honest with you, many of these buildings, that have been bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies ,may have to become living quarters for the families devastated emotionally, physically and financially by these criminals and their mandated poisons.
The AAP, the CDC and others of their ilk are most definitely not stupid. They know exactly what they are doing. This makes them far more dangerous than the bumbling idiots that many in the “anti-vaccine” community portray them as.