
Sweet on the AAP?

Numerous studies have shown that increased sugar intake dramatically decreases immune response. Short-term hyperglycemia (i.e., elevated blood sugar) affects all major components of innate immunity and impairs an individual's ability to fight infection.

Why am I telling you about sugar? For years, as our children have been banging their heads against the literal wall due to consequences of vaccine injury, we have been banging our heads against the figurative wall trying to get the American Academy of Pediatrics ("Dedicated to the Health of All Children®") to help resolve the problem. Multitudes of our children have immune dysregulation including autoimmune issues. Autoimmune issues can be caused by vaccines. Isn't the American Academy of Pediatrics confident in and concerned about protecting children's natural immunity?

Apparently not. This year, the Welcome Reception at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition is sponsored by Coca-Cola®. Are you thinkin' this is a sweet deal? A 20 ounce bottle has 65 grams of sugar. This results in well over the amount of sugar that should be in your bloodstream.

In 2004, the Center for Science in the Public Interest put this in a press release: " 'It’s hard enough for parents to guide their children’s food choices, but it becomes virtually impossible when public schools are peddling junk food throughout the school day,' said CSPI nutrition policy director Margo G. Wootan. 'Many parents who send their kids off with lunch money in the morning have no clue that it can be so readily squandered on Coke, Doritos, and HoHos.' "

Wow, and coming up, children may even be able to get this PLUS swine flu shots right in elementary schools. Immunosuppressing sugar intake plus neuroimmune toxins, a perfect recipe for disaster.

But I digress . . . .

Let's see what other interesting things we can find on the AAP convention site . . . .

The Pediatric Heroes Champions for Children campaign:
"Last fall the AAP launched a campaign to find stories of the every day pediatric heroes among us."

Although he didn't make the top four (i.e., winners), here's a nomination that you might be interested in seeing:
“he fearlessly and expertly defended vaccines, despite death threats and threats to his family”
Paul Allan Offit, MD FAAP was nominated by Ari Brown, Philadelphia, PA

Well, maybe one day the substantiation to that pompous accusation will be fully revealed. But in the meantime, I'm raising my glass of Coke® to the children with autism who really, truly did have a threat to their lives and who died this year from seizures, accidental drownings, anesthesiological accidents, and abuse in schools because their physiology wasn't understood, respected, or protected by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The often murky history of Autism's False PrOffit, wherein he has a deal for $29-50 million from Merck for the Rotateq vaccine, was not revealed on NBC's Dateline while he was defending the MMR vaccine. As we know, the MMR has caused autistic regression and gastroimmune problems in children worldwide. But why should he flinch at the MMR's action doing that, when, looking at an Age of Autism post from April 30, 2008, we read:

"The FDA has announced today that a death by intussusception [gastrointestinal] has been reported by Merck, maker of Dr. Paul Offit's RotoTeq vaccine. You may recall that the last Rotovirus vaccine was pulled a decade ago for the same reason."

Sure, yeah, give me 10,000 or 100,000 of these - whichever number he says is safe to take at the same time today. Makes my stomach hurt. Think I'll finish my Coke®.