
Oops I goofed on garden update!

It's taken me awhile to adjust to this format of networking.

I mistakenly posted to the garden group what I thought was here in my blog! You can find that post here

We just got a itouch for an assisted communications device. Oh boy, yet another thing to learn. But maybe I can use that to develop a story board to help make the connection between planting and harvesting mentioned in that post.

Caleb got approved for the state autism waiver which makes it easier for us to get more services for him now. As long as we don't move out of state - things are better than just a few months ago.

Caleb has progressed and grown considerably in the past few months. He eats like a horse but still has a fairly limited diet. He is starting to finally use more words and even in the past few weeks sentences. We really have done less biomedically simply because we don't have the money. Good thing is he seems to be rising to the occasion.