Am I Pro-Disease?
If one were to listen to the CDC, the AMA, the American Academy of Pediatrics and many of the pharmaceutical controlled media outlets, I am pro-disease. Because I have been involved in what they have inaccurately named, the "anti-vaccine" movement, there is no other option. I am pro-disease. As is the case with so many other hot button issues, there is just black and white. There can be no grey areas. You are either with or against us.
We witnessed this with the Bush administration´s actions post 9-11. If you were a war protestor, you were anti-American. If you were against the freedom stealing, Constitution shredding Patriot Act, you were pro-terrorist. This has been going on for quite some time. If you are pro-choice, you are a murderer. If you are pro-life, you are anti-women´s rights. If you weren´t voting for Obama, you hated blacks. This is the modus operandi of a very astute and manipulative government and media that wants nothing more than to control the populace. Unfortunately, they have perpetrated this philosophy almost flawlessly.
I myself was a victim of this control and manipulation. I would not be in the position that I am now in, were it not for my actions leading up to my son´s vaccine injury which led to vaccine induced regressive autism. I believed the media. I believed the doctors, pediatricians and the CDC. I believed that the government wanted to keep my children disease free and healthy. Why wouldn´t I? To think anything else would thrust me into a world of conspiracy thinking and distrust that would be incredibly uncomfortable for an American loving, patriotic army veteran like myself. There were simply no other options than to believe that the government had my best interests as a citizen of this country in mind while determining policy, so I dutifully sacrificed my son in the name of herd immunity.
The CDC will tell you that because I now fight for those, like my son, that have been injured, I am pro-disease. Because I seek to educate parents of the truth behind vaccines and help them understand that they don´t have to become a member of the ever-growing club of parents fighting for their autistic children, I am pro-disease. Perhaps I am in a way. I am a firm believer that just as we have to train our muscles in order to perform at an optimum level in sports or run endless hours to prepare for a marathon; our immune system must train to become strong as well. Vaccines are the equivalent of an Olympic class weightlifter ingesting steroids to become strong and believing that this alone will enable him or her to perform at this level of competition. We all know that this is not possible as there is far more involved in weightlifting than brute strength. Technique is critical and is learned.
This must be the case for our immune systems as well. If our children are never subjected to the relatively benign childhood illnesses that we ourselves dealt with regularly as children, than how will they be capable of fighting off more serious disease in the future? This is not theoretical, this is scientific fact. Training our immune systems is essential to a healthy, long life. The children today that are subjected to 29 vaccines by the age of two years are the hypothetical, steroid infested weightlifters that have not trained and are not prepared for what is to come, and they will ultimately fail in their endeavors to stay healthy.
The CDC and the rest of the medical establishment cannot legitimately refute me on this issue. They have absolutely no long term studies with which to use as ammunition. Not one study that reveals the long-term health issues that our children could be subjected to has been done, yet we obediently and dutifully march our children into the pediatrician´s office, hold them down and allow them to be injected with a myriad of toxins, viruses, heavy metals and carcinogenic materials.
On the other side of the playing field, perhaps it is easily stated that I am not the one that is pro disease here. Numerous studies have shown that there is a possibility that the vaccines that our children are subjected to can cause disease. A Canadian study recently discovered that by simply delaying the Dtp vaccine for a few months reduced the risk of asthma by 54%. 6000 Americans per year die from asthma related illness, many of them children!
While the government agencies and medical groups remain steadfast in their belief that they can show no weakness and that they cannot waiver in any way that would suggest that the current vaccine schedule is dangerous, children are being damaged. Some are dying. If the government truly wanted to stop the epidemic increase in asthma diagnoses, would it not have been wise to follow up on the Canadian study? Why has this not happened? Over and over again we hear parents across the western nations discuss the need for a vaccinated / unvaccinated study, yet this has not happened. Why?
Eczema, diabetes, autism, asthma, MS, encephalitis, seizure disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis and a number of other chronic diseases have been linked to our current vaccine schedule put in place by the government, yet to this date, no credible study has been performed to determine if this is in fact the case.
In the vast scheme of things, I think it would be fair to ask: "who exactly is pro-disease?