
One to go

My twins boys just turned 5 in July. My son Spiro is now officially toilet trained. I can't believe it's finally happened! My husband and I are over the moon! He was completely ready and he only had accidents the first day. We even went on a little drive on the second day and I put his little potty in between the middle van seats. Every 1/2 hour I would ask him if he needed to use the potty and he would say yes, so my husband would pull over so he could go. It's amazing when they "get it".
This past year has been full of positive changes, as well as challenging, stressful, feeling guilt, anger, elation and a host of other emotions. Our DAN Doctor describes biomedical treatment this way. He told me that he wished it was a downhill ski race, but it's more like cross country skiing, where you go sideways, and it's full of twists and turns. It seems that you take 2 steps back to go 3 steps forward. But that's OK, because with every set back, there seem to be breakthroughs at the end of each cycle. It's not easy, but I am determined to recover my boys.