
Special Mom

Today is Tuesday July 28th and my twin 5 year old boys, Spiro and Peter are still sleeping, while I have a little quiet time to write this. They are the light of my life. Before I had kids I used to be afraid of getting old. I wished that I could have a family and be busy so as not to think about it so much. Well, I did get married and had my beautiful boys and everything was wonderful and BUSY, but still wonderful. Boy did I get my wish. I became so busy, that, getting old was a fleeting thought now, not something I dwelled on anymore. The first 18 months of their life was amazing. Life was hectic, but filled with joy. Then we started noticing little things that seemed odd in their behaviour and no speech, no pointing or gesturing, and that little inner voice started to tug at me. This was the beginning of a journey that would test my inner strength, outer strength and everything in between.

I want to address the name "Special Mom". It's not that I consider my self to be any MORE Special than any other mom of a child with any special need. I consider all of us to be special moms, warriors, determined and on a mission to help our children any way that we can. Till the next time...