
Vegetarian/Vegan Lifestyle: Help Please

I am an active 78-year young guy with the very good fortune of being in excellent health. For my entire life I've been a meat eater--nothing like a good steak. Most recently I've been doing considerable reading about nutrician, in particular about plant-based diet vs animal-based diet. I've reached the conclusion that the best way to prolong my active life style is by moving to a vegetarian diet, or even to vegan, I would be grateful for comments from others. For instance, is there any great advantage to vegan over vegetarian? Are there dangers for someone my age to make such a shift? In making the change is it best to do it "cold turkey" or gradually over a period of time?
I have ordered a book on the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle and a couple of recipe books but hearing directly from others carries much more personal meaning.
Thanks in advance for any comments.