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Front Line Moms, Candy, from Texas

Candy is a Front Line Mom from Texas and she has a story to tell!

From Autism to Alzheimers: the immune system, diet, and the gut brain connection, with Dr. David Perlmutter

Neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar – Your Brain’s Silent Killers. Teri welcomes Dr. Perlmutter to talk about the role of diet, nutrients, the immune system, the gastrointestinal system, and the central nervous system as these relate to neurological conditions ranging from autism to Alzheimer’s. Please visit

Front Line Moms, Guest: Monika Ostroff

Today, Monika Ostroff and I discuss a variety of therapies that were effective with her daughter, Donya.

PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth

With Kent Heckenlively, JD, and Judy Mikovits, PhD.

On the release date of PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases, Kent Heckenlively, JD, and Judy Mikovits, PhD, join Teri for a conversation about this revealing book.

Front Line Moms...Kim Spencer

Kim Spencer discusses her challenges, and achievements, as a parent of a child on the spectrum.

VACCINE MATTERS & VAXTRUTH, with Candyce Estave and Marcella Piper-Terry

Guest hosts Candyce Estave and Marcella Piper-Terry talk truth about issues related to vaccines, especially concerning the military, on this special Veteran's Day edition of AutismOne: A Conversation of Hope. How do we make a more hopeful, healthful future for our children and soldiers? On 11/11, our wish is for no more vaccine injuries for children and soldiers. Visit

Autism and Compassionate Care Connection, with Nathan Coombs and Rhonda Morris

Many states are considering legislation concerning the use of medical cannabis for medically indicated conditions. What is the background of medical cannabis that makes it an appropriate consideration for conditions comorbid to autism? Nathan Coombs and Rhonda Morris of the nonprofit organization Autism and Compassionate Care Connection join Teri to talk about this and other related topics. Please visit


Gunner Wayne was a healthy baby who was almost two-months old; he got his two-month vaccine shots – and was dead by the next morning. Join Teri as she interviews grieving mother Alicia LeAnn Bohn, and Joan Mootry, a journalist and retired artist who has lived many decades and lived through having diseases -- and who knows the historical truth about vaccine risks. Alicia and Joan will ask you: do you choose death by injection – or life by rejection?

Chantal Sicile Kira Autism College

Chantal’s passion for empowering others, her love of writing and her personal interest in autism has led her to become an award-winning author, speaker, and leader in the field of autism. She has been involved with autism spectrum disorders for over 25 years as both a parent and a professional on both sides of the Atlantic. A tireless advocate for those on the autism spectrum, Chantal founded Autism College in order to provide practical information and training online about autism.

Positively Helping YOU!

Did you know that in addition to teleconferences, videos, and books from the Thinking Moms' Revolution, there is also a Team TMR and a grant program that helps families? Tune in as Helen Conroy, executive director, shares about how you can be helped or be involved. Tami Duncan, Reiki master at Epiphany Healing Arts, joins the conversation about the TMR teleconferences and how she participated in sharing valuable information. Helen and Tami will leave your with a positive message to encourage your day! Visit -- and --