Update in Autism Associated enterocolitis: A window into the Evolution of Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

This lecture will review the clinical presentation of bowel inflammation in children with ASD's with emphasis on the signs and symptoms critical for early recognition. As with all diseases, the importance of early diagnosis and treatment cannot be overemphasized. Recent histologic and serologic data suggesting that ASD-associated enterocolitis may provide a window through which the evolution of chronic inflammatory bowel disease may be viewed will be presented.

Arthur Krigsman, MD

Dr. Krigsman is a pediatrician and board certified pediatric gastroenterologist who has evaluated and treated over 1400 children suffering from autism and a variety of gastrointestinal problems. He maintains offices in both New York City and Austin, Texas, is actively involved in clinical research, and has presented his findings in peer reviewed journals, scientific meetings, and at a congressional hearing dealing with autism and its possible causes.