Surviving Biomedical Therapies without Breaking the Bank

Juggling diets, supplements, IV treatments, IVIG, educational therapies and the rest of life is taxing under the best of circumstances and particularly difficult on a budget. Dr. Brown will provide tips and approaches for choosing which battles to fight and which can be postponed, as well as tips for recognizing which battles are bigger than the both of you and will require experienced assistance. He will also take a look at those biomedical interventions that can be started before you meet with a practitioner, how to initiate them safely and effectively and how to make the most of your therapy dollar.

Gregory L. Brown, MD, MD

regory L. Brown MD is a Board Certified Internist with 18 years experience in Emergency Medicine. He has received Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner training from “Defeat Autism Now” as well as ACAM instruction and certification in chelation therapy and certification in hyperbaric medicine from UHMS. He currently serves as Medical Director of the ARCH Medical Center in Franklin, Wisconsin, a practice dedicated to the medical treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Sonja Hintz, RN

Is a registered nurse and the mother of a seventeen-year-old son, Alexander, who no longer has autism. Through the use of therapeutic dietary intervention, biomedical treatments and other therapies, Alex has made a recovery. Sonja currently provides biomedical treatments at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI. Sonja and Alex are also coauthors of a chapter in Vaccine Epidemic. She has been using functional medicine to improve the lives of her patients for 15 years