Staying Married When Autism Blows Your Budget
By now you have heard about the high divorce rate in families with autism. Find out what the studies say and what to do about it. Michael and Moira Giammatteo are two veteran parents who can give practical, from the trenches advice about keeping your marriage alive after diagnosis. Included is information and advice from a family counselor, the inside scoop of what moms are saying and what dads need to know, plus a dad’s perspective on how to stay involved and remain sane while doing it.
Michael and Moira Giammatteo
Michael and Moira Giammatteo are the proud parents of two children, one on the spectrum. They have been involved with Talk About Curing Autism since its inception. Moira has presented on such topics as the GFCF diet, Biomedical Intervention, Traditional Therapies and runs a TACA Chapter. Michael has spoken on the subject of autism from a Dad’s perspective and acts as Regional Dad’s Support for TACA as well as moderating the TACA-DAD’s Yahoo Group.