The role of microbiome in detoxification in autism (practitioner registrants only)
Here I describe the changes associated with intermittent fasting and microbiome reconstitution as they relate to detoxification. Consistent with certain toxicants acting as disruptors of the immune and endocrine systems, we observed that increased elimination of toxicants was associated with a trend toward normalization of endocrine and immune function. These results support the hypothesis that a combination of intermittent fasting and microbiome reconstitution may lead to immune modulation, detoxification, and other improvements that may prove significant in the field of autism.
Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD
Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD in molecular biology, retired full professor of molecular biology at the University of Firenze, Italy, has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers in the fields of neurosciences, immunology and cancer. His contributions to autism include the breakthrough discoveries made with Dr. Bradstreet, the development of diagnostic and therapeutic protocols as well as the research and development of novel products aimed at restoring the gut and brain microbiota. A recent development of his research concerns the quantum biology of consciousness as it relates to brain development.