Restoring the Endocannabinoid System in Autism
Autism is a constellation of pathological process without a cohesive central mechanism or origin. Studies show that autism has multiple endocannabinoid deficiencies. Endocannabinoid dysfunction could explain the underlying defects and suggest new therapeutic strategies. We now have considerable evidence how the ECS is affected by a wide variety of herbs, drugs, environment and therapy. Multiple modalities may be needed to restore balance to the endocannabinoid system. We will discuss a comprehensive approach to restoring the dysfunctional ECS in autism to improve behavior, learning and health.
Philip Blair, MD
Philip Blair, MD, (Colonel USArmy retired) is a family physician and consultant in disease management in the Northwest. He graduated from West Point ’72, trained in family medicine, served as a combat physician in Gulf War and retired after 29 years in uniform. He manages complex diseases for workers insurance programs and since 2014, he has been treating, consulting and lecturing on nonpsychoactive cannabidiol. He has provided consultations over 1000 patients, health professionals, parents, and businesses in a dozen countries about how CBD can improve serious medical disorders.