The Rationale for Using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Children on the Autism Spectrum
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has proven to be one of the major treatment modalities I use to help children on the autism spectrum move toward recovery. It is not a magic bullet, but an important adjunctive treatment to other therapies. Though scientific studies as to its effectiveness for children with autism are lacking or present conflicting data, if done consistently, its cumulative benefits can be appreciated, at least to some degree, by the majority of children who use this type of treatment.
James Neubrander, MD
Dr. Neubrander graduated from medical school in 1975, is board certified in Environmental Medicine, the medical director of two entities, scientific advisor to several organizations, and a well-known speaker nationally and internationally. Since the mid-90s he has treated 4000-5000 children on the autism spectrum. He is known as the Father of Methyl-B12 and the innovator of HBOT protocols used to treat children with autism and other disorders.