Overview of the Recent Research on Susceptibility, Toxicity, Brain Inflammation, Brain Connectivity, and Regression and Immunizations in ASD
This talk will discuss (1) blood and urinary biomarkers of susceptibility, toxicity, and oxidative stress in ASD from recent collaborative studies, with an emphasis on the clinically available lab testing; (2) some evidenced-based treatments; (3) latest information on brain inflammation in ASD and the role of mercury in the brain’s immune system activation, brain inflammation, and brain connectivity; and (4) the results of a recent study of parental reports on regression and immunizations.
Janet K. Kern, PhD
Dr. Kern is a neuroscientist who has been conducting research in ASD for 16 years and has 36 peer-reviewed scientific research publications. The main focus of her research is in biomarkers of susceptibility, oxidative stress, neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation, and toxicity in ASD, with an emphasis on the relationship between toxic metal levels and autism severity. Her research includes several treatment studies. She currently conducts research with the Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc.