The Kitchen Classroom with Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer
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Kitchen Classroom Cooking with Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer
Join cooking instructor, author of The Kitchen Classroom: 32 Visual GF/CF Recipes to Boost Developmental Skills and mom of a son who has autism for monthly video clips and webinars about cooking simple, kid-friendly, nutrient-dense food. Gabrielle will get you motivated in the kitchen--and give you the resources and tools you need to make living GFCFSF easy to do.
Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer is an author, cooking instructor and mom of two children, including a son who has autism. Her children's cookbook "The Kitchen Classroom: 32 Visual GF/Cf Recipes to Boost Developmental Skills" was published last year.
Gabrielle teaches cooking classes to teens who have autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD and intellectual disabilities. She leads cooking workshops for parents, parents and kids, educators and therapists. She also does cooking consults and demos via Skype with families all over the world.