Identifying and Then Calming Down An Activated Immune System in the Brain

Most of the world agrees that being on the autism spectrum includes an activated immune system in the brain. The inflammation produced by this activation is ‘gasoline on the fire’ roaring symptoms and limiting positive results.
There is no simple anti-inflammatory highway that works for all. This journey has many exits, detours, roadblocks and bumps in the road. But there are principles and guidelines that just make common sense.
Attendees will learn what the basic tests are of a brain on fire (whether autoimmune or innate) and where the gasoline on the fire often comes from.
This presentation will give attendees an understanding and appreciation of:
• The critical importance of recognizing the brain is on fire in the autism spectrum
• The diversity of tests (urine and blood) to consider in identifying the brain on fire

• The guidelines to follow with diet and nutrition in ‘putting the fire out’ 

Tom O’Bryan , DC, CCN, DACBN

Dr. Thomas O’Bryan is an internationally recognized and sought-after speaker and

workshop leader specializing in wheat, its impact on health, and the development of

autoimmune diseases as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. In November

2016, Dr. O’Bryan released Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not

Telling You, an investigation into the global effects of issues underlying the autoimmune

system and chronic disease. Over 500,000 people worldwide have watched the


Dr. O’Bryan is considered a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ for chronic disease and metabolic

disorders, teaching that the underlying mechanisms that trigger the development of

chronic disease are the key to health. He holds teaching faculty positions with The

Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences. He has

trained and certified tens of thousands of practitioners around the world in advanced

understanding of the impact of wheat sensitivity and the development of individual

autoimmune diseases.

His 2016 groundbreaking book, The Autoimmune Fix, won the National Book Award and

ranked first in several categories on Amazon. The book outlines the step-by-step

development of degenerative diseases and gives us the tools to identify our disease

process years before the symptoms are obvious.

Dr. O’Bryan is founder of and the visionary behind The Gluten Summit: A

Grain of Truth, which brings together 29 of the world’s experts on the gluten connection

to diseases, disorders, and a wide range of symptoms. You can find out more
