How to evaluate the ASD patient (CME track/practitioner registrants only)
This presentation will provide an overview of how the physician can evaluate the patient diagnosed on the autism spectrum. It will include the importance of obtaining a detailed history, performing a complete physical exam, and the resultant differential diagnosis.
Michael W Elice, MD
Dr. Elice is a board certified pediatrician practicing in Woodbury, NY. Since his departure from a general pediatric practice, he has focused on children with autism, autoimmune disorders, and the infectious, toxic and environmental triggers that probably underly their causes Dr. Elice has been in practice for 38 years. He is an adjunct clinical professor of pediatrics at the Cohen Children's Hospital of Hofstra School of Medicine in New York. He consults on patients from around the United States and over 20 countries around the word. He has spoken at AutismOne conferences and is a fellow of MAPS (Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs).