Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves: How the Green Movement is Helping Families Cope With Autism
Green is everywhere. It’s hard to escape the eco products, publications, and corporate sustainability missions, but what does it mean for families struggling with Autism? We’ll explore how connecting with your green community can help you keep your family healthy and happy -- and even save money! We’ll teach you about the benefits of organic eating, how to avoid harmful chemicals in the home, and what you can do today to stay more connected and engaged with the green community.
Alicia Ontiveros, BSJ
Alicia Ontiveros is a producer and writer with a background in event, television and web video production. Her experience includes network television programs airing on The History Channel, National Geographic, The Animal Planet, The Weather Channel, The Biography Channel and PBS. As a savvy ecogeek and green blogger she writes about green topics for print and web publications, and assists green companies in brand development using integrated social media platforms.